Add buttons to the toolbar WOLV

To add a button in Toolbar WOLV, you must use the method AddImageButton(...) list. However, before you can add the button in the Toolbar, is to determine which handler will have this button:

  • Server
  • Client
  • The server and client.

Server processor

If the handler needs to be a server, you must use the following method overload AddImageButton:

/// <summary> 
/// Method to add custom buttons to the toolbar with the possibility of 
/// a server handler. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="id">Server ID of the button.</param> 
/// <param name="cssClass">CSS class that is applied to the button.</param> 
/// <param name="alternateText">the tooltip Text to the button.</param> 
/// <param name="clickHandler">Server-side handler for the button click.</param> 
public void AddImageButton(string id, string cssClass, string alternateText, ToolBarBtnEventHandler clickHandler)

As you can see, the method is passed the ID of the button, CSS class, tooltip text, and a backend handler for the clicking of the following types:

public delegate void ToolBarBtnEventHandler(LinkButton sender, ToolBarBtnEventArgs eventArgs);


ToolBarBtnEventArgs - arguments to be passed to the server handler for the button click in the Toolbar e WOLV.

The information can be obtained from ToolBarBtnEventArgs:

Name Description
List<string> PrimaryKeys List of keys of selected objects in the list. Important: if the option “Select all on all pages”, it will return an empty list.
bool IsAllSelected if the option “Select all on all pages”.
WebObjectListView WOLV Instance list button on a Toolbar which button was pressed.
Function LimitFunction Limiting function is superimposed on the list.

Example usage

protected override void Preload()
        "TestToolbarServerButton", // The ID of the button 
        "wolv-test-toolbar-server-button", // CSS Class 
        "Test server button of the toolbar", // Tooltip text 
        CustomToolbarButtonClickHandler); // Handler 

private void CustomToolbarButtonClickHandler(object sender, ToolBarBtnEventArgs eventArgs)
    TestToolbarButtonLabel.Visible = true;

    // Check properties Wolv event arguments. 
    if (eventArgs.Wolv != WebObjectListView1)
        throw new Exception("WOLV instance in the handler of button click of the toolbar is incorrect.");

    // Check the properties of PrimaryKeys. 
    if (eventArgs.PrimaryKeys.Count > 0)
        var objects = eventArgs.PrimaryKeys.Select(x => new Город { __PrimaryKey = Guid.Parse(x) })
        DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObjects(objects, Город.Views.ГородL, true);

        SelectedCitiesLabel.Visible = SelectedCitiesList.Visible = true;
        foreach (var obj in objects)
            SelectedCitiesList.Controls.Add(new HtmlGenericControl("li") { InnerText = ((Город)obj).Наименование });

    // Check properties IsAllSelected. 
    AllIsSelectedLabel.Visible = eventArgs.IsAllSelected;

Client handler

If the handler needs to be a client, you should use the following overload of the method AddImageButton:

/// <summary> 
/// Method to add custom buttons to the toolbar with the possibility of 
/// client handler. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="id">Server ID of the button.</param> 
/// <param name="cssClass">CSS class that is applied to the button.</param> 
/// <param name="alternateText">the tooltip Text to the button.</param> 
/// <param name="clientClickHandler">the name of the JS function in a global object client-side handler for the button click.</param> 
/// <param name="clientClickAddParams">Additional options for the JS handler.</param> 
public void AddImageButton(string id, string cssClass, string alternateText, string clientClickHandler, string clientClickAddParams)

In addition to ID, CSS class and the tooltip text in the method is also passed the name of the JS function and the parameters that should pass to this function.

Example usage

protected override void Preload()
        "TestToolbarClientButton", // The ID of the button 
        "wolv-test-toolbar-client-button", // CSS class 
        "Test client button of the toolbar",  // Tooltip text 
        "ToolbarBtnClickAlert", // Name of the JS function. 
        // In principle, the option alert(\"Pressed custom button toolbar client handler\"); 
        // also rolls, but for more complex handlers may not work correctly. 
        // Recommended to pass the function name, and describe it separately! 
        string.Empty); // The parameters passed to the function ToolbarBtnClickAlert. 

Server and client handler

To add the button at the same time and a server and a client-side handler, you must use the following method overload AddImageButton(...):

/// <summary> 
/// Adding buttons to the toolbar. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="lb">Click to add.</param> 
public void AddImageButton(LinkButton lb) 

Using this method, it is important to understand the following:

  1. To use this method is necessary only when other methods are not suitable.
  2. All button settings (including appearance and styles) falls on the application developer.

Example usage

var twoHandlersButton = new LinkButton
    OnClientClick = "alert('Load server-side button handler, 2 handler.');",
    ID = "TwoHandlersButton",
    CssClass = "ics-wolv-toolbar-button wolv-test-toolbar-client-server-button",
twoHandlersButton.Click += CustomToolbarButtonClickHandler1;
twoHandlersButton.ToolTip = "Button with two handlers.";

Add buttons in the rows WOLV

To add a button in Toolbar WOLV, you must use the method AddImageButtonToRow(...) list.

However, before you can add the button in the Toolbar, is to determine which handler will have this button:

  • Server
  • Client.

Server processor

If the handler needs to be a server, you must use the following method overload AddImageButtonToRow:

/// <summary> 
/// Add a button to each row 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="id">the ID of the button (will be added to the index of the row)</param> 
/// <param name="cssClass">the Class of the control</param> 
/// <param name="alternateText">Signature</param> 
/// <param name="clickHandler">Server-side event that will come clicking 
/// The PrimaryKey of the object in the row can be obtained as follows: 
/// primaryKey = (sender as ImageButton).Attributes["pk"]; 
/// </param> 
public void AddImageButtonToRow(string id, string cssClass, string alternateText, ToolBarBtnEventHandler clickHandler)

As in the case of the add server button on the Toolbar is passed into the method ID of a button, CSS class, tooltip text, and a backend handler for the clicking of the following types:

public delegate void ToolBarBtnEventHandler(LinkButton sender, ToolBarBtnEventArgs eventArgs);


Similarly EventArgs’am Toolbar a.

Example usage

protected override void Preload()
        "TestRowServerButton", // The ID of the button 
        "ics-wolv-toolbar-button ics-wolv-toolbar-button-icon wolv-test-row-server-button", // CSS class 
        "Test server button in the row", // Tooltip text 
        CustomToolbarButtonClickHandler); // A server handler for the clicking 


private void CustomToolbarButtonClickHandler(object sender, ToolBarBtnEventArgs eventArgs)
    TestToolbarButtonLabel.Visible = true;

    // Check properties Wolv event arguments. 
    if (eventArgs.Wolv != WebObjectListView1)
        throw new Exception("WOLV instance in the handler of button click of the toolbar is incorrect.");

    // Check the properties of PrimaryKeys. 
    if (eventArgs.PrimaryKeys.Count > 0)
        var objects = eventArgs.PrimaryKeys.Select(x => new Город { __PrimaryKey = Guid.Parse(x) })
        DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObjects(objects, Город.Views.ГородL, true);

        SelectedCitiesLabel.Visible = SelectedCitiesList.Visible = true;
        foreach (var obj in objects)
            SelectedCitiesList.Controls.Add(new HtmlGenericControl("li") { InnerText = ((Город)obj).Наименование });

    // Check properties IsAllSelected. 
    AllIsSelectedLabel.Visible = eventArgs.IsAllSelected;

Client handler

If the handler needs to be a client, you should use the following overload of the method AddImageButton:

/// <summary> 
/// Add a button to each row 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="id">the ID of the button (will be added to the index of the row)</param> 
/// <param name="cssClass">the Class of the control</param> 
/// <param name="alternateText">Signature</param> 
/// <param name="clientClickHandler">the name of the client function that will be invoked when clicked</param> 
/// <param name="clientClickAddParams">Additional parameters that will be passed to the client function</param> 
public void AddImageButtonToRow(string id, string cssClass, string alternateText, string clientClickHandler, string clientClickAddParams)

In addition to ID, CSS class and the tooltip text in the method is also passed the name of the JS function and the parameters that should pass to this function.

Example usage

protected override void Preload()
        "TestRowClientButton", // The ID of the button 
        "ics-wolv-toolbar-button ics-wolv-toolbar-button-icon wolv-test-row-client-button", // CSS class 
        "Test client button in the line",  // Tooltip text 
        "RowBtnClickAlert", // Name of the JS function. 
        // In principle, the option alert(\"you Pressed the custom button in the row with the client handler\"); 
        // also rolls, but for more complex handlers may not work correctly. 
        // Recommended to pass the function name, and describe it separately! 
        string.Empty); // The parameters passed to the function RowBtnClickAlert. 