To specify the settings for LookUp used in AjaxGroupEdit you need to create an instance of the class LookUpSetting
, inicializirati him the required fields and using the method AddLookUpSettings
add them to AjaxGroupEdit
For example, you must ask LookUp
having a property ТипЛапы
performance, which will be deducted artisans objects.
ctrlЛапа.AddLookUpSettings(Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Лапа>(r => r.ТипЛапы), new LookUpSetting { MasterViewName = ТипЛапы.Views.ТипЛапыL.Name });
You can also configure LimitFunction
, and for MasterEditorDropDown
you can set a preference responsible for PostBack
Full list of properties:
/// <summary>
/// Settings lucapa
/// </summary>
public class LookUpSetting
/// <summary>
/// Do PostBack when changing value
/// </summary>
public bool EnablePostBack { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Restriction for sample masters
/// </summary>
public Function LimitFunction { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The name of the view to load masters
/// </summary>
public string MasterViewName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The type name to download the masters manually normally should not be set
/// </summary>
public string MasterTypeName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Autocomplete for MasterEditorAjaxLookup
/// </summary>
public bool Autocomplete { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/ / Search substring for autocomplete
/// </summary>
public bool IsSubstring { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// URL form to display the selected object
/// </summary>
public string ShowObjectUrl { get; set; }
An example of enabling auto-complete LookUp
/// <summary>
/// Called the first in the Page_Load.
/// </summary>
protected override void Preload()
ctrlReviewers.AddLookUpSettings(Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Reviewer>(r => r.Programmer), new LookUpSetting() { Autocomplete = true });
ctrlChangesetAuthors.AddLookUpSettings(Information.ExtractPropertyPath<ChangesetAuthor>(ca => ca.Programmer), new LookUpSetting() { Autocomplete = true });
ctrlProjectForReview.AddLookUpSettings(Information.ExtractPropertyPath<ProjectForReview>(pfr => pfr.Project), new LookUpSetting() { Autocomplete = true });
An example of imposing restrictions on LookUp
An example of imposing restrictions on the LookUp in the AGE described in article Restrictions to LookUp in AjaxGroupEdit.
Multiple choice LookUp
Information about multiple choice LookUp in AGE can be found in the article Using multiple choice. in AjaxGroupEdit.