Settings technological forms web applications are carried out using the service DynamicPageTuner. The class was in section unity.

<unity xmlns="">
      <!-- Configuration service for customization of technological forms in the project. -->
      <register type="NewPlatform.Flexberry.Web.Page.IDynamicPageTuner, ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls" mapTo="WebFormsTestStand.DynamicPageTuner, TestStand(ASP.NET Application)">
        <lifetime type="singleton" />
        <constructor />

It can help you:

  • change the appearance of technological forms,
  • configure the form title,
  • to defer loading of the list
  • customize the order and display of columns and more.

Example lazy loading of data

public class DynamicPageTuner : IDynamicPageTuner, IDynamicPageWolvTuner
   /// <summary> 
   /// Sample implementation of the configuration method of <see cref="WebObjectListView" /> on the technology pages. 
   /// </summary> 
   /// <param name="pageId">page ID.</param> 
   /// <param name="wolv">Instance of <see cref="WebObjectListView" /> to configure.</param> 
   public void Tune(DynamicPageIdentifier pageId, WebObjectListView wolv)
       // For the list of classes included lazy loading of data 
       // for other pages, nothing changes. 
       if (pageId == DynamicPageIdentifier.SecurityClassesList)
           if (!wolv.Page.IsPostBack)
               wolv.SkipDataLoad = true;

an Example of configuring display columns

public class DynamicPageTuner : IDynamicPageTuner, IDynamicPageWolvTuner
   // Configure the order and number of columns on the user list. 
   if (pageId == DynamicPageIdentifier.SecurityUsersList)
      wolv.ColumnsConfig.Add(new ColumnsConfig
           (Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Agent>(x => x.Login), true));
      wolv.ColumnsConfig.Add(new ColumnsConfig
           (Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Agent>(x => x.Name), true));
      wolv.ColumnsConfig.Add(new ColumnsConfig
           (Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Agent>(x => x.Creator), true));
      wolv.ColumnsConfig.Add(new ColumnsConfig
           (Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Agent>(x => x.CreateTime), true));
      wolv.ColumnsConfig.Add(new ColumnsConfig
           (Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Agent>(x => x.Enabled), true));

As follows: