Technology Flexberry ASP.Net generates a standard (universal) page to display and edit data.

a List of process forms

Page setup using DynamicPageRoute

Part of the process pages are available via DynamicPageRoute:

  • Web-form audit
  • User locks (routes.AddDynamicPageRoute("flexberry/LocksList", DynamicPageIdentifier.LocksList))
  • Entry form log (routes.AddDynamicPageRoute("flexberry/LogList", DynamicPageIdentifier.LogList))
  • Form versions of assemblies (routes.AddDynamicPageRoute("flexberry/Version", DynamicPageIdentifier.Version))
  • LookUp-form
  • Other

Limiting access to forms

Because access forms needs to be restricted, then in the web.config to give access to a technological form that only users that have the role admin, you can add:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


  <!--Define access to technological forms.-->
  <location path="flexberry">
        <!--The following code is given access only to admins. To prevent access by unauthorized users, you can use the 'deny users="?"'.-->
        <allow roles="admin"/>
        <deny users="*"/>

Other technological forms

  • Lookup-page ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls.Forms.LookUpForm

  • Page column settings ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls.Forms.ChooseColumns

  • Page printing (ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls.Forms.ListPrintForm)
  • A page with information about the versions of the assemblies

adjustment of process forms

Main article setup tehnologicheskih pages Flexberry ASP.NET

Create your own page (for example, Lookup page)

  1. To create your own class and posledovat it from ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.Controls.LookUpForm.
  2. (optional) to Create a factory instance on the page (a class that will create a page). Instead of creating your implementation, you may use technological class ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls.HandlerFactories<T>.
  3. Set in web.config HTTP handler for the page

for the HTTP handler:

<add verb="*" path="LookUpForm.aspx" type="MyProjectNamespace.LookUpFormHandlerFactoryType" validate="false"/>

for processing HTTP handler:

<add path="LookUpForm.aspx" 
       type="ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls.HandlerFactories.PageHandlersFactory`1[[MyProjectNamespace.LookUpFormType, MyProjectAssembly]], ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls" 
       validate="false" />