Is Empty/Is Nonempty
In the expanded constraint editor](fa_advanced-limit-editor.html) there is support for expressions is Empty/is nonempty (Empty/Filled).
corresponds to the function funcIsNull of SQLWhereLanguageDef.
corresponds to the function of funcNotIsNull ExternalLangDef.
The possibility expression is Empty/is nonempty
Expression is Empty/is nonempty can be applied to:
- own properties,
- properties of datalow,
- masters,
- properties of the masters (the expression of the
Пусто(A. B. C)
interpreted asA==null || A. B==null || A. B. C==null
Incomparable with null properties and Empty/is nonempty
If you have a class with a property Кредит СуммаКредита real type, the translation in [LINQProvider |
LinqProvider) it will be presented as follows: |
var ds = (SQLDataService)DataServiceProvider.DataService;
IQueryable<Кредит> limit = ds.Query<Кредит>(Кредит.Views.C__КредитE).Where(x => (x.СуммаКредита as object) == null);
and transfer in lcs:
Function lf = FunctionBuilder.BuildIsNull<Кредит>(x => x.СуммаКредита);