Web forms
In technology Flexberry ASP.NET use the following web form:
- Technological forms
- Web-form audit
- Web-form subsystem powers
- and other.
- BaseEditForm
- Web edit form
- List web-form
Features of work with web forms
- Adjustment of process pages
- Performanoe interaction in web-applications
- Performanoe interaction — the transfer of an object between pages
- The creation of their LookUp page in a Web app
- Mode read-Only in Web-applications
- The GET-request to web-forms
- Passing parameters into a LookUp form in a web app
Web controls
element of user interaction with the system in the web application.
Design guidelines Flexberry ASP.NET web controls
Main features create Flexberry ASP.NET web controls:
Features of work with controls
The list web controls
Technology Flexberry ASP.Net
uses the following web controls:
- AjaxAutocomplete
- AjaxGroupEdit
- AlphaNumericTextBox
- BaseListWebControl
- BaseMasterEditorLookUp
- BaseWebControl
- ColorPicker
- Constants
- ContactControl
- DatePicker
- DecimalTextBox
- DynamicEditor
- EmptyWOLVControl
- EventControl
- ExceptionPanel
- FileControl
- FileControlView
- FormattedDateTimeControl
- HierarchicalListView
- Hinter
- IcsTreeView
- ImageControl
- LinkModalPopupWindow
- MasterEditorAjaxDropDown
- MasterEditorAjaxLookUp
- MasterEditorLinkedAjaxLookUp
- MasterExpander
- MsDropDown
- NullableDatePicker
- ObjectTile
- ObjectTileView
- Pager (class)
- ShowHideDiv (class)
- WebFileControl
- WebMessageBox (class)
- WebObjectListView
- Edit restrictions
- WebBinder
- ResponseFilterModule
- WebLockHelper
- ContextHelper
- PageContentManager
A list of providers
In technology Flexberry ASP.NET use the following providers:
- ServiceSecurityProvider
- WebControlProvider
- ViewColumnProvider
- CaseberryDomainRoleProvider
- CaseberryMembershipProvider - powers