ICSSoft.STORMNET.Web.AjaxControls.Pager class control to display paging for an arbitrary set of data. To work correctly you need only task the total number of pages to display.

The control is inherited from the base web control BaseWebControl.


Control automatically attaches all necessary scripts. In particular, jquery.icsPager.js and scripts basic web control.



Signature Description
AddPageToContainer() Adds the container to the desired control to display the index page
GenerateCurrentPage() Method to generate the internal structure of the current page. Generation and establishment of control are different methods due to the fact that the establishment of control occurs before adding it to the controls collection of the parent. In this case, at the time of generation will be missing the client ID of the input field the page number.
GenerateGoToPage() Method for generating a block of navigation (go to the entered page number)
GenerateInforamtion() Method of generating information on the number of pages and display items. To build a string uses a specified method for formatting, if it is installed. Otherwise, use a template from resources,
GenerateItemsOnPage() generation Method block with a dropdown selection list to set the number of items displayed on the page
GenerateNavigation() Method for generating navigation unit (forwards / backwards)
GeneratePages() Method to generate the list of pages
GetCurrentPageControl() Method to create a control that displays the current page
GetNavigateUrl() Method to generate the link to jump to the specified page
GetOtherPageControl() Method to create a control that displays other (not current) page. A hint to the button is generated using either a pattern resource or through the application installed in the app delegate for formation
GetPageSeparatorControl() Method to create the control separator between pages
GetSkipPagesControl() Method to create a control that displays absences in the long lists of pages. Example: 1 2 … 10
OnInit() Override event handler for initialize the control. Initialisere auxiliary controls
OnPreRender() Overridden event handler method before rendering the control. Generate a structure of control. The structure of the control is generated before the rendering of due to the fact that the parent control must be set to the total number of page displays and optionally, the current page number. In the method you cannot assign server-side event handlers, because for correct processing of events, controls must be added to the collection page is used to
Render() the event Handler for rendering the control. Registers controls-sources PostBack
SetAvailableItemsOnPageCounts(ReadOnlyCollection<int> counts) Static method that allows you to set options users choose the number of lines on each page. The default collection { 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200 }.


Name Type Description
CurrentPage int Property to get the number of the current selected page
DisplayInformation bool Show unit information about the number of pages and elements or no
DisplayNavigation bool Show the navigation bar or not
DisplayPages bool Show a list of pages or not
EnableGoToPage bool Display unit to switch to an entered page number or not
EnableItemsOnPage bool Show block selection of the number of elements on the page or not
FirstPages int Minimum number of pages displayed in the list of pages
FirstPagesWithoutSkipping int Number of pages to be displayed without gaps, if the current page at the beginning of the list
GoToPageLabelText string Text captions to navigate to the entered page number
HideOnNoData bool Hide all the containers in the absence of data
HideOnOnePage bool Hide all the containers if only one page data
ItemsOnPage int Property to get the number of items to display on the page
ItemsOnPageCaptionText string Text captions select list number of items on the page
ItemsOnPageSettingsKey string Property to get or set the key that uniquely identifies the pager to store user settings between pages. Default is defined using the page URL and the unique ID of the control
ItemsCount int Property for access to the full number of items displayed
InlineGoToPage bool Add the current page to the input field to quickly jump to the page or not
PagesCount int total number of pages displayed
LastPages int Minimum number of pages displayed at the end of the page list
LastPagesWithoutSkipping int Number of pages to be displayed without gaps, if the current page at the end of the list
NavigationBackText string Text navigation buttons to move to the previous page
NavigationForwardText string Text navigation buttons to move to the next page
NavigationSeparatorText string delimiter Text between navigation buttons
PagesSkipText string Text block skip long lists of pages
PageSeparatorText string delimiter Text between pages
PagesWithoutSkipping int Maximum number of pages which are not displayed units pass
Sequence IEnumerable < PagerContainerType > Sequence containers pager

Customize the appearance of control

ContainerCssClass CSS class for the pager container
CurrentPageCssClass CSS class for the current page
GoToPageCssClass CSS class of the container unit to move to the entered page number
GoToPageInputCssClass CSS class of input field switch to the selected page number
GoToPageLabelCssClass CSS class signatures to navigate to the entered page number
InformationContainerCssClass CSS class of the container unit information on the number of pages and the display elements
InlineGoToPageCssClass CSS class for the current page with an input field for quick navigation to the entered page
InlineGoToPageInputCssClass CSS class input field to quickly move to the entered page
ItemsOnPageCaptionCssClass CSS class for signature to the select list number of items on the page
ItemsOnPageContainerCssClass CSS class of container for the block selection of the number of elements on the page
ItemsOnPageListCssClass CSS class for the select list number of items on the page
NavigationButtonBackCssClass CSS class of the navigation buttons to move to the previous page
NavigationButtonCssClass Shared CSS class of the navigation buttons
NavigationButtonDisabledCssclass CSS class disabled navigation buttons (when the transition is impossible)
NavigationButtonEnabledCssClass CSS class enabled navigation buttons (when the transition is possible)
NavigationButtonForwardCssClass CSS class of the navigation buttons to go to the next page
NavigationContainerCssClass CSS class of the base container unit navigation
NavigationSeparatorCssClass CSS class of the separator between the navigation buttons
PageCssClass Shared CSS class for all pages
PagesContainerCssClass CSS class for the container list of pages
PagesSkipCssClass CSS class for the block skip long lists of pages


You should pay attention to the fact that when you specify a nonexistent page number and try to click it, you will jump to the first page of the list.