for an Example of setting default values when the object is created

If there is a current object, which should be specified by default when you create another object, you can override Edit, where to check, what is the status of a load data is defined as ObjectStatus.Created, and then install the current object of interest in the field and to reflect the changes on the form using EditManager.

public override void Edit(ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataobject, string contpath, string propertyname, object tag)
    base.Edit(dataobject, contpath, propertyname, tag); //call the base method 
    if (dataobject != null)
        if (dataobject.GetStatus() == ObjectStatus.Created) //check that the object is not yet persisted 
            ((Покупка)dataobject).МагазинПокупки = Магазин.CurrentShop; //set a current object 
            EditManager.Change("Shop"); //display changes on the form 