the Format of the description and examples of using generic methods

Generic methods and UML

Due to the fact that UML does not describe the creation of generic methods, but at the same time I would like to have the possibility of their automatic generation was added to the extension allowing to describe such methods in the description of classes on the charts.

description Format

For the description of generic methods on the diagrams is proposed in the following format:

ИмяФункции<Шаблон1:Класс1,Интерфейс1;Шаблон2:Класс2;Шаблон3>(Параметр1:ТипПараметра1, Parameter2:ТипПараметра2):ТипФункции

In this part in triangular brackets, including themselves, is optional and in its absence will be generated by the conventional method.

Template1 and Шаблон2 will be generated in the names of generic types in generic method. After each template name, a colon can be described limits on this template, which are generated as part Where prototype method. Patterns are separated by semicolons.


Example 1


Добавить <T:DataObject>for(dataObject:T)


public virtual void Добавить<T>(T dataObject)
where T : DataObject

Example 2


Добавить <U;T:DataObect;I:IComparable,ICloneable>(dataObject:T)


public virtual void Карамба<U,T,I>(T dataObject)
where T : DataObject
where I : IComparable, ICloneable