using calculated properties of objects

This example shows how to use calculated properties.

Example of defining a calculated property for the object Person:

[DataServiceExpression(typeof(SQLDataService), "isnull(@FirstName@,\'\') \' \' isnull(@LastName@,\'\')"))
public virtual string FullName
        return string.Format("{0} {1}", fFirstName, fLastName);

In the attribute DataServiceExpression defined the expression that will be used service data when you run the query from the table. Is equivalent to this expression on the C# code is written in the getter of the properties.

IDataService dataService = DataServiceProvider.DataService;
LoadingCustomizationStruct lcs = LoadingCustomizationStruct.GetSimpleStruct(typeof(Person), Person.Views.Person_E);

// Load all the data objects. Nechranice property will be computed using the expressions in the getter. 
ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject[) persons = dataService.LoadObjects(lcs);

// Load in the form of string representation, the properties are separated from each other by semicolons. Nechranice property will be computed using the expressions in the attribute DataServiceExpression. 
ObjectStringDataView[) osdvpersons = dataService.LoadStringedObjectView(';', lcs);
