comparison Function
- function, analogous to the comparison “less than” in the SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.
- function, analogous comparison less than or equal to the SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.
- function, analogous to the comparison “more” in the SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.
- function, analogous to the comparison “greater than or equal to” in SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.
Parameters GetFunction
GetFunction accepts the first argument type of a function funcG (funcGEQ, funcL, funcLEQ), and then takes 2 objects to compare them with each other. The first is sent to the variable description (Variable Definition), which will determine the objects to сравнения; and the second parameter is the object that will be compared.
For example, you want to deduct all Кредиты
, the amount of which is greater (greater or equal, less than, less than or equal to) 100,000 rubles.
The SQL statement would look as follows:
SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита > 100000
SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита >= 100000
SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита < 100000
SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита <= 100000
SQLWhereLanguageDef langdef = SQLWhereLanguageDef.LanguageDef;
Function lf = langdef.GetFunction(langdef.funcG, //langdef.funcGEQ, langdef.funcL, langdef.funcLEQ
new VariableDef(langdef.NumericType, Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Кредит>(x => x.СуммаКредита)), 100000);