Building expressions with comparison functions

comparison Function

FuncL - function, analogous to the comparison “less than” in the SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.

FuncLEQ - function, analogous comparison less than or equal to the SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.

FuncG - function, analogous to the comparison “more” in the SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.

FuncLEQ - function, analogous to the comparison “greater than or equal to” in SQL in the constructor function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.

Parameters GetFunction

GetFunction accepts the first argument type of a function funcG (funcGEQ, funcL, funcLEQ), and then takes 2 objects to compare them with each other. The first is sent to the variable description (Variable Definition), which will determine the objects to сравнения; and the second parameter is the object that will be compared.

For example, you want to deduct all Кредиты, the amount of which is greater (greater or equal, less than, less than or equal to) 100,000 rubles.

The SQL statement would look as follows:

SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита > 100000
SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита >= 100000
SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита < 100000
SELECT * FROM Кредит WHERE СуммаКредита <= 100000


SQLWhereLanguageDef langdef = SQLWhereLanguageDef.LanguageDef;
Function lf = langdef.GetFunction(langdef.funcG, //langdef.funcGEQ, langdef.funcL, langdef.funcLEQ 
			new VariableDef(langdef.NumericType, Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Кредит>(x => x.СуммаКредита)), 100000);