Opportunities, methods, demands, activities, and events

Service data working with relational storage.

Is an abstract class, inherited from it

Main features SQLDataService

Because SQLDataService implements the interface ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.IDataService, it supports all the methods defined in this interface](fo_data-service.html). It should be noted that some of the methods only declared in the class SQLDataService, and their implementation must be implemented in descendant classes.

Additional ways to load data


Assign: Download without create objects when you need to get DISTINCT data. Standard methods zachetki get [PrimaryKey] in(fo_primary-keys-objects.html) to allow the correct creation of data objects. Accordingly, DISTINCT [PrimaryKey] in(fo_primary-keys-objects.html) in the query has no effect (keys are unique, so no grouping the results will not happen - they are all different). This method returns a regular two-dimensional array (as it does ADO.NET).


customizationStruct - Structure LoadingCustomizationStruct defining what and how to ship. Must be specified Distinct.


    virtual public object[][] LoadRawValues(LoadingCustomizationStruct customizationStruct) 


SQLDataService ds = (SQLDataService)DataServiceProvider.DataService;
View v = new View();
v.DefineClassType = typeof (Door);
LoadingCustomizationStruct lcs = LoadingCustomizationStruct.GetSimpleStruct(typeof(Door), v);
lcs.Distinct = false; //Get a two-dimensional array of properties without DISTINCT in the upper SELECT-e 
object[][] loadDistinctValues = ds.LoadRawValues(lcs);
string s = loadDistinctValues.Length.ToString();

lcs.Distinct = true; //Get a two-dimensional array with DISTINCT properties at the top SELECT-e 
object[][] loadDistinctValues1 = ds.LoadRawValues(lcs);
string s1 = loadDistinctValues1.Length.ToString();


Assign: Method for decide data object. Previously loaded properties are not overwritten, the modified properties are not overwritten. Replaced the piece the properties of the clone data. It is recommended to read the description in the article Dochitcu data object.


  • dataObjectView - view
  • dataObject - bject data that you want to download
  • checkExistingObject is to check whether the object exists in the repository
  • dataObjectCache - cache


protected virtual void SecondLoadObject(View dataObjectView, DataObject dataObject, bool checkExistingObject, DataObjectCache dataObjectCache) 

Additional ways to update data


Assign: to Update the data objects in the specified order.

SQLDataService knows himself to build the order query to update the data objects. This is especially true when there are a large number of diverse objects in a single transaction. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to automatically compute the correct order of requests. First and foremost, this applies to situations when the graph types, there are cycles. To solve this problem, we propose to use the method that performs updating of objects sequentially in the order in which they come in this method.


  • objects - refreshable
  • alwaysThrowException - If an error occurred in the database, don’t try to fulfill other requests, just cocked an error and roll back the transaction.


virtual public void UpdateObjectsOrdered(ref DataObject[] objects, bool alwaysThrowException = true)


protected void UpdateButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SQLDataService ds = (SQLDataService)DataServiceProvider.DataService;
    var ko = ds.Query<КритерийОценки>(КритерийОценки.Views.КритерийОценкиE).First(o => o.Описание.StartsWith("kirlim"));
    ko.Описание = "kirlim-birlim";
DataObject[] dObjs = new DataObject[] { ko };
    ds.UpdateObjectsOrdered(ref dObjs);

operations within the specified connection and transaction


Assign: Loading the object with the specified connectie within the specified transaction


  • dataObjectView - Representation that will be counted towards the object.
  • dobject - the Object that will be zachityvalis/counted.
  • сlearDataObject - whether zachitka to clear the fields of an existing data object.
  • сheckExistingObject - to Verify the existence encountered sacide objects.
  • dataObjectCache - the object Cache.
  • connection - Connecte through which will occur zachitka.
  • transaction Transaction, which will be held zachitka.


public virtual void LoadObjectByExtConn(
    View dataObjectView,
    DataObject dobject, 
    bool сlearDataObject, 
    bool сheckExistingObject, 
    DataObjectCache dataObjectCache, 
    IDbConnection connection, 
    IDbTransaction transaction) 


Assign: Loading objects using the specified connection and transaction


  • customizationStruct - Structure that defines what and how to ship.
  • state - a State of proof-reading(for the subsequent decide if you use batch reading, the serving size specified in customizationStruct.LoadingBufferSize)
  • dataObjectCache - object Cache for zazitky.
  • connection - Connecte through which will be fulfilled zachitka.
  • transaction Transaction, which will be performed zachitka.


public virtual DataObject[] LoadObjectsByExtConn(
    LoadingCustomizationStruct customizationStruct,
    ref object state, 
    DataObjectCache dataObjectCache,
    IDbConnection connection,
    IDbTransaction transaction)


Appointment_: Receive the first portion when batch reading using the specified connection and transaction. In addition to portions of data objects, the data service returns a status read state. This condition is transmitted to the data service to retrieve the next portion (see next method). Analogue to the previous method, but instead of adjusting the structure of the sample is determined by the text of the query.


  • Query - Text query to fetch data
  • state - a State of proof-reading(for the subsequent decide)
  • LoadingBufferSize - size portions
  • Connection - Connecte through which will be fulfilled zachitka
  • Transaction Transaction, which will be performed zachitka


public virtual object[][] ReadFirstByExtConn(string Query, ref object State, int LoadingBufferSize, System.Data.IDbConnection Connection, System.Data.IDbTransaction Transaction)


Appointment_: Receiving another batch batch reading. Must be preceded by a call to one of the above two methods of obtaining status state.


  • state - a State of proof-reading(for the subsequent decide)
  • LoadingBufferSize - size portions


public virtual object[][] ReadNextByExtConn(ref object State, int LoadingBufferSize)


Assign: to Update the store objects using the specified connection and transaction.


  • objects Objects to update.
  • dataObjectCache - the object Cache.
  • alwaysThrowException - If an error occurred in the database, don’t try to fulfill other requests, just cocked an error and roll back the transaction.
  • connection - Konekcija (remember to close).
  • transaction Transaction (don’t forget to complete).


public virtual void UpdateObjectsByExtConn(ref DataObject[] objects, DataObjectCache dataObjectCache, bool alwaysThrowException, IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction)

Generation of the texts of SQL queries


Assign: Generating requests to modify objects


  • deleteQueries Queries for delete (output parameter)
  • deleteTables - Table that will be conducted the deletion of data (output parameter)
  • updateQueries - Generated requests for change (output parameter).
  • updateTables - Tables, which will be held modifying the database (output parameter).
  • insertQueries - Generated requests to add (output parameter).
  • insertTables - Table that will be inserting data (output parameter).
  • tableOperations Operation that will be performed on the tables (output parameter).
  • queryOrder - the Order of execution of the generated queries specified by a table name (output parameter).
  • checkLoadedProps is to Check whether the workload properties.
  • processingObjects - Current processed objects (i.e., objects that the service plans to confirm data in the database in the current transaction). An output parameter.
  • dataObjectCache - Cache data objects.
  • auditObjects is a List of objects that you want to record in the audit (the output parameter). Is filled in case when passed is not null and current audit service is enabled.
  • dobjects - the objects for which the generated queries.


public virtual void GenerateQueriesForUpdateObjects(
    StringCollection deleteQueries,
    StringCollection deleteTables,
    StringCollection updateQueries,
    StringCollection updateTables,
    StringCollection insertQueries,
    StringCollection insertTables,
    SortedList tableOperations,
    StringCollection queryOrder,
    bool checkLoadedProps,
    System.Collections.ArrayList processingObjects,
    DataObjectCache dataObjectCache,
    params ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject[] dobjects)

In this overload returns a list of additional objects that require the creation of audit records:

public virtual void GenerateQueriesForUpdateObjects(
    StringCollection deleteQueries,
    StringCollection deleteTables,
    StringCollection updateQueries,
    StringCollection updateTables,
    StringCollection insertQueries,
    StringCollection insertTables,
    SortedList tableOperations,
    StringCollection queryOrder,
    bool checkLoadedProps,
    ArrayList processingObjects, 
    DataObjectCache dataObjectCache,
    List<DataObject> auditObjects,
    params ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject[] dobjects)


Assign: Receive a request to read data


  • customizationStruct - customize sample
  • StorageStruct - returns the corresponding structure of the sample

The result is_: request


// 1. 
public virtual string GenerateSQLSelect(LoadingCustomizationStruct customizationStruct, bool ForReadValues, out STORMDO.Business.StorageStructForView[] StorageStruct, bool Optimized)

// 2. 
public virtual string GenerateSQLSelect(LoadingCustomizationStruct customizationStruct, bool Optimized)


Assign: to LeftJoin expression


  • subTable the name of the table
  • subTableAlias - the table alias
  • parentAliasWithKey
  • subTableKey
  • subJoins
  • baseOutline


public virtual void GetLeftJoinExpression(string subTable, string subTableAlias, string parentAliasWithKey, string subTableKey, string subJoins, string baseOutline, out string FromPart, out string WherePart)


Assign: to InnerJoin expression


  • subTable the name of the table
  • subTableAlias - the table alias
  • parentAliasWithKey
  • subTableKey
  • subJoins
  • baseOutline
  • FromPart
  • WherePart


public virtual void GetInnerJoinExpression(string subTable, string subTableAlias, string parentAliasWithKey, string subTableKey, string subJoins, string baseOutline, out string FromPart, out string WherePart)


Assign: Return a modifier to access a table (e.g. WITH (NOLOCK))

You can overload this method in the data service-the successor to return its corresponding modifier. Basic SQLDataService returns an empty string.