Tools for serialization-deserialization

Library ICSSoft.STORMNET.Tools.dll provides various tools to work in her classes implemented functions:

  • serialization-deserialization
  • XML,
  • send mail
  • file compression
  • processing of signed assemblies
  • , etc.

Data helper methods recommended for application developers.

Tools for serialization-deserialization

When choosing between binary and SOAP serialization should be aware that binary form serialization more productive and result strings get shorter.


ICSSoft.STORMNET.Tools.ToolXML tool for serialization-deserialization in XML.

This class implements two versions of the transformation in XML:

  • SOAP serialization using a standard System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter,
  • implemented conversion data object to XmlDocument applicable only for ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject (this variant is available in the article).

The class implements the following methods:


Appointment_: Receiving a data object from previously received XML document. This method is written specifically for ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject


  • dataObject - the data Object to deserialize
  • xmlDoc - Serialized object data
public static void XMLDocument2DataObject(ref ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataObject, XmlDocument xmlDoc)


Appointment_: Receiving an XML document from a data object. This type of serialization is written specifically for ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject and is based on iterating properties, datalow and references to masters, followed by the entry of all this XMLDocument.


  • dataObject - the object data
  • serializeAggregators - to serialize detaily
  • setObjectLoadingStateLoaded - Set LoadingState object in Loaded
  • setObjectStatusCreated - Set the ObjectStatus object Created in
  • serializeMasters - to do a complete serialization of the masters of objects

The result is: a Serialized representation of the object

// 1. 
public static XmlDocument DataObject2XMLDocument(ref ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataObject)

// 2. 
public static XmlDocument DataObject2XMLDocument(ref ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataObject, bool serializeAggregators)

// 3. 
public static XmlDocument DataObject2XMLDocument(ref ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataObject, bool serializeAggregators, bool setObjectLoadingStateLoaded, bool setObjectStatusCreated)

// 4. 
public static XmlDocument DataObject2XMLDocument(
            ref ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataObject, 
            bool serializeAggregators,
            bool setObjectLoadingStateLoaded, 
            bool setObjectStatusCreated, 
            bool serializeMasters)


Assign: the serialization of the object using SoapFormatter.


o - the Object to serialize

The result is: a Serialized object

public static string ObjectToString(object o)


Assign: deserialize the object using the SoapFormatter.


s - Serialized object

The result is: Restored object

public static object ObjectFromString(string s)


ICSSoft.STORMNET.Tools.ToolBinarySerializer tool for binary serialization-deserialization.

Serialized bytes are converted to ToBase64String. The implementation is based on примененииSystem.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.

The class implements the following methods:


Assign: the serialization of the object using BinaryFormatter.


o Object

The result is: String.

public static string ObjectToString(object o)


Assign: deserialize the object using the BinaryFormatter.


  • s - Serialized object
  • binder - Binder, which you must specify when deserialization need to implement your own logic for searching types.

The result is: the Restored object.

// 1. 
public static object ObjectFromString(string s)

// 2. 
public static object ObjectFromString(string s, SerializationBinder binder)


ICSSoft.STORMNET.Tools.XmlTools class for working with XML.

The class implements the following methods:


Assign: Conversion System.Xml.Linq.XElement in System.Xml.XmlDocument.


  • xElement - xElement to convert.
  • versionXmlDoc Version of the generated xml document.
  • encodingXmlDoc - Encoding for the generated xml document.

The result is: the Result of conversion - XmlDocument.

public static XmlDocument GetXDocumentByXElement(XElement xElement, string versionXmlDoc, string encodingXmlDoc)


Assign: Read an Xml file. Can automatically detect the encoding based on the encoding, used inside Xml.


  • filePath - Path to the Xml file.
  • encoding - the character Encoding to use to read the Xml file.
public static XmlDocument LoadXml(string filePath, Encoding encoding = null)