Getting references to data objects

It is useful to explicitly store references to data objects, and to these links for .Net type and primary key. There are also situations when the programmer does not have explicit references and has no other way to obtain except by .Net type and primary key.

This option is implemented in CASEBERRY FRAMEWORK, it’s called контекстно-dependent кэшем and supported by the class DataObjectCache. The programmer can limit the part of the code that uses caching techniques DataObjectCache.StartCaching, DataObjectCache.StopCaching. Inside this part of code can be put in the cache data object (DataObjectCache.AddDataObject) and get it (DataObjectCache.GetLivingDataObject).

class Class1
		static void Main(string[) args)
            var doc = new DataObjectCache();
			object pkey = prv_CreateDataObject();
			SimpleDataObject sdo = (SimpleDataObject) doc.GetLivingDataObject(typeof(SimpleDataObject), pkey);
			Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Getted from cache dataobject name = {0}",sdo.Name));
		private static object prv_CreateDataObject()
            var doc = new DataObjectCache();
			SimpleDataObject sdo = new SimpleDataObject();			
			sdo.Name="The data object";
			Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created dataobject name = {0}",sdo.Name));
			return sdo.__PrimaryKey;

Each method call DataObjectCache.StartCaching forms the context, extending to the call DataObjectCache.StopCaching. The method call DataObjectCache.StartCaching within the context forms a nested context.

Objects that are added to the contexts of a lower level are automatically placed in the contexts of higher.

The availability of higher level objects in contexts of lower programmer can manage. It is possible to cut» «parent context. This can be set using the method ClipParentCache DataObjectCache.StartCaching. If the method is invoked with a parameter true, the context objects on a higher level never available the created context and all the underlying.

Method DataObjectCache.GetLivingDataObject looks only at the context of the current level. Method DataObjectCache.GetExtLivingDataObject reviewed all of the overlying contexts other than the current, but not higher «cut».

Inside a single method you can not do sub-contexts, except in the case when a new context of» «cuts higher.