Dynamic creation of views, operations predstavleniyami
Dynamic creation of views
View can be created dynamically.
If you want to create a view “in code”, on the fly, then fit one of the following options:
- To create a view using the default constructor, then fill in the required properties
// Create an empty view.
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View dynaview = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.View();
// Specify the type of data object for which to create the view.
dynaview.DefineClassType = typeof(CDDA);
// You can add your own properties class and artisans of the properties of an array or one by one.
// dynaview.AddProperty(...)
dynaview.AddProperties(new string[] { "Name", "TotalTracks", "Publisher.Name" });
// Add the wizard to the view.
// You can also use the dynaview method.AddDetailInView to associate this view with metalowymi ideas.
- To create a dynamic view using ViewAttribute
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View dynaview1 = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.View(
new ViewAttribute("DynaView", new string[] { "Name", "Publisher.Name" }),
Operations with representations
Each view acts as a set of properties.
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View view1 = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.View(
new ViewAttribute("DynaView1", new string[] { "Name", "Publisher.Name" }),
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View view2 = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.View(
new ViewAttribute("DynaView2", new string[] { "Name", "TotalTracks" }),
// a. Combined views
// Result contains the properties of both representations ("Name", "Publisher.Name", "TotalTracks");
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View concatresult = (view1 | view2);
// b. The intersection of ideas
// Result contains the common properties of the specified concepts ("Name");
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View intersectresult = (view1 & view2);
// c. Subtraction ideas
// Result contains the properties of view1, view2 which is not in ("Publisher.Name");
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View subtractsectresult = (view1 - view2);
// d. Excluding the combined views
// General properties of representations will be discarded (output "Publisher.Name", "TotalTracks");
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View xconcatresult = (view1 ^ view2);
Full list of code examples Flexberry ORM is in “code Examples”.