Functions funcExist, funcExistExact, funcExistAll, funcExistAllExact, funcExistDetails

Description and differences of functions

Using these functions ExternalLangDef it is possible to impose restrictions only detaily (example)

Name Displayed name Description
funcExist There are {} that {} Returns True if there is at least one object satisfying the condition, otherwise False. Condition - only one function.
funcExistAll There are {} that {} And {} And {} … Return True if there is at least one object satisfying the condition, otherwise False. As the condition there may be many features, which will automatically connect a conjunction. Attention! The valid kinds of functions only two: “=” (FuncEQ) and “AMONG the VALUES()” (FuncIN).
funcExistExact There are only such {} that {} Returns True if all objects satisfy the condition, otherwise False. Condition - only one function.
funcExistAllExact There are only such {} that {} And {} And {} … Return True if all objects satisfy the condition, otherwise False. As the condition there may be many features, which will automatically connect a conjunction. Attention! The valid kinds of functions only two: “=” (FuncEQ) and “AMONG the VALUES()” (FuncIN).
funcExistDetails There are {} and such {} that {} the Function will return True if there is at least one object from the first set and at least one object from the second set that satisfies the condition, otherwise False. Condition - only one function (=, >, <, >=, <=).

Example usage

The following code assumes that the view "Servicedisplayname" always present properties ` Division ` (as it is condition) and "Server" (property on which there is a connection).

Required to deduct the servers that belong to a particular Department (i.e., servers that belong to the specified Unit and some will also be proofread).

ExternalLangDef ldef = ExternalLangDef.LanguageDef;
LoadingCustomizationStruct lcsСервер = LoadingCustomizationStruct.GetSimpleStruct(typeof (Репликации.Сервер), "Server");
lcsСервер.LoadingTypes = new Type[] {typeof (Репликации.Сервер)};
View view = Information.GetView("Servicedisplayname", typeof(Репликации.СерверПодразделения));
ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.DetailVariableDef dvd = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.DetailVariableDef();
dvd.ConnectMasterPorp = Server;
dvd.OwnerConnectProp = new string[] { SQLWhereLanguageDef.StormMainObjectKey };
dvd.View = view;
dvd.Type = ldef.GetObjectType("Details");
lcsСервер.LimitFunction = ldef.GetFunction(ldef.funcExist,
                                                            new VariableDef(ldef.GuidType, Division),
lcsСервер.ReturnTop = 1;
ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject[] dobjsСервер = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObjects(lcsСервер);

You want to subtract only those servers that belong only to one particular Unit (i.e., servers that belong to the specified Division and some will not be proofread).

ExternalLangDef ldef = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.ExternalLangDef.LanguageDef;
LoadingCustomizationStruct lcsСервер = LoadingCustomizationStruct.GetSimpleStruct(typeof (Сервер), "Server");
lcsСервер.LoadingTypes = new[] {typeof (Сервер)};
View view = Information.GetView("Servicedisplayname", typeof(Репликации.СерверПодразделения));
var dvd = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.DetailVariableDef
                    ConnectMasterPorp = Server,
                    OwnerConnectProp = new[] { SQLWhereLanguageDef.StormMainObjectKey },
                    View = view,
                    Type = ldef.GetObjectType("Details")
lcsСервер.LimitFunction = ldef.GetFunction(ldef.funcExistExact,
                                                            new VariableDef(ldef.GuidType, Division),
                                                            new Guid("6D7DC426-F5E9-4F63-B7B5-20C9E237DF2D")));
DataObject[] dobjsСервер = DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObjects(lcsСервер);

Comparison of properties of two different datalow (not above ground level) with a common aggregator

For example, you need to all computers have at least one “piece of iron” will be bought before any software for it. The order of properties in the comparison function applied to detali has a value (in this case, the property names coincide).

 View view = Information.GetView("ComputerL", typeof(Computer));
 View view2 = Information.GetView("HardwareD", typeof(Hardware));
 View view3 = Information.GetView("SoftwareD", typeof(Software));
 view.AddDetailInView("Computer", view2, true);
 view.AddDetailInView("Computer", view3, true);
 var lcs = LoadingCustomizationStruct.GetSimpleStruct(typeof(Computer), view);
 ExternalLangDef langDef = ExternalLangDef.LanguageDef;
 var detail1 = new DetailVariableDef(langDef.GetObjectType("Details"), "Hardware", view2, "Computer");
 var detail2 = new DetailVariableDef(langDef.GetObjectType("Details"), "Software", view3, "Computer");
 lcs.LimitFunction = langDef.GetFunction(langDef.funcExistDetails,
                        detail1, detail2, langDef.GetFunction(langDef.funcG,
                        new VariableDef(langDef.DateTimeType, "DeliveryDate"),
                        new VariableDef(langDef.DateTimeType, "DeliveryDate")));
 var dos = DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObjects(lcs);