Parameters and example FuncNOT

FuncNot function, negation in SQL Builder function limitations SQLWhereLanguageDef.

FuncNEQ = FuncNOT ( FuncEQ ) FuncL = FuncNOT ( FuncGEQ ) FuncLEQ = FuncNOT ( FuncG )


Parameters GetFunction

For FuncNOT the required one parameter is the negated function.

Клиент клиент = new Клиент();
SQLWhereLanguageDef langdef = SQLWhereLanguageDef.LanguageDef;
Function lf1 = langdef.GetFunction(langdef.funcNEQ, new VariableDef(langdef.StringType, Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Клиент>(x => x.Фамилия)), клиент.Фамилия);
Function lf2 = langdef.GetFunction(langdef.funcNOT, langdef.GetFunction(langdef.funcEQ, new VariableDef(langdef.StringType, Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Клиент>(x => x.Фамилия)), клиент.__PrimaryKey);

lf1 and lf2 equivalent.