peculiarities of generation of an enumerated type, generating headers for an enumerated type, an example of generating the listing

Enumeration - stereotype the UML class representing the enum type.

The attributes of a UML class are values of an enumerated type.


Additional editable properties

The window edit properties of enum type looks like the following (two tabs):

Bookmark Класс


  • Name - the name of the enum type, what is displayed directly on UML class.
  • Description - if necessary, a detailed description, to enhance the information content of the model in Flexberry Designer is generated in the code on the .Net-language DocComment;
  • OnlyShowSelectedValue - not used (reserved for future versions);
  • Packet, NamespacePostfix - allow to set the Assembly and namespace in which to generate the type, see assemblies Location after code generation.

Bookmark Возможные значения


Use this page to configure the properties values of an enumerated type. For each property:

  • Name - value name of an enumerated type, it is displayed directly on a UML class.
  • Description - ri necessary, a detailed description of the values, to enhance the information content of the model in Flexberry Designer is generated in the code on the .Net-language DocComment;
  • Caption - allows you to specify a value that is informative for the user (used in the UI);
  • DefaultValue - integer value to an enumerated type.

That is generated with the description of the enum type

Generated Generate SQL DDL Generation .Net language  
The name of the UML class   Name .Net-type (enumeration)
The name of the attribute UML class Select the longest name of all in the enum type is considered to be the number of characters field in the table is declared of VARCHAR type(number of characters).Further, data services store the values of an enumerated type as a string constant matching the name the name of the constant in the enum type
The Caption attribute of a UML class Значения enum type stored in the database with the values заголовков Generated .Net-attribute EnumCaption (Namespace: ICSSoft.STORMNET Assembly: ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject (in ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject.dll))
Property DefaultValue attribute of a UML class   an Integer for the value of an enumerated type (if not specified otherwise, when editing the fields of an enum type, the default item is displayed with minimal DefaultValue, and in the drop down list the elements of an enumerated type will be displayed in ascending order of their DefaultValue)

An example generated in C# code enum type:

public enum СостояниеОшибки

Display values of an enumerated type

The programmer can customize the display of values of an enumerated type in a single select (like ComboBox) or mark few (like RadioButton). This is done by specifying an attribute OnlyShowSelectedValueAttribute specified for an enumerated type.

The headers are values of an enumerated type

It is often convenient to the values of enumerated types had some title that is understandable to the user. This title is attributed directly Caption attribute values of an enumerated type.


public enum AccessModifier

Значения enum type stored in the database with the header values.

Empty values

To add an empty value in the enumeration (empty string), you must create a new element and in his Caption to put a “tilde” (~):


As a result, in the code appears the following entry:


With headers

The programmer can convert values from Caption an enumerated type and back, by calling methods of static class ICSSoft.STORMNET.EnumCaption:

  • EnumCaption.GetCaptionFor(object value)
  • EnumCaption.GetValueFor(string caption, Type enumType)
  • EnumCaption.TryGetValueFor<TEnum>(string caption, out TEnum enumValue)