peculiarities of generation of data types, properties, data types and editing, example of the generated code

Type, stereotype introducing the new type. When generating code in the target language you declare the type. Types can’t contact any Association, but can be inherited.


type Description

Generated Generate SQL DDL Generation .Net language  
  Any part of any UML class (attribute, method parameter, etc.) declared by this class or As is specified in the transformation map types for the generator As is. Attribute, method parameter, etc. are declared by this type
UML class   .Net class
Attribute UML class   Public virtual property with the same name and the appropriate modifier (# - protected, - public, - - private), and private member of the class for this property. The type of the property and a private member - type attribute.
Method UML class   Public virtual method with the appropriate parameters. The method body empty with a bracket of the programmer to make the code in the method.

Additional editable properties and how that is generated

The properties of the data type as follows:

1.Tab edit the properties of a UML class:

Property Description Generation .Net language
Name the name of the UML class, it is the name of the type Name .Net-class
Description Nekotoroe detailed description, if necessary, for explanatory purposes As DocComment to the class in code .Net language  
Packet, NamespacePostfix Allow to set the Assembly and namespace in which to generate the type of see the Location of assemblies after code generation
PBCustomAttributes   If the option is given, it is generated bracket programmer for “manual” introducing attributes to the class.
PBMembers Allows you to specify whether brace programmer inside a class for the “manual” introduction of the members of the class If the option is given, it is generated bracket programmer for “manual” introduction of the members of the class
PublishToEBSD   If the option is specified before the class is generated by specifying the attribute PublishToEBSDAttribute, which indicates the availability of this class to use the chart editor scripts

2.Tab edit the properties of the attributes of a UML class:

Property Description Generation .Net language
AccessModifier access modifier to the appropriate property .Net class Modifiers: - public - private # - protected
Name the same name of the attribute that the chart name of the property in .Net class, and some derived the name of the private member (depending on format private member that is specified in the settings of the generator).
Description description for explanatory purposes As DocComment to the property  
Type data type properties type properties and type of the private member
DefaultValue default initializer As a private member
PBCustomAttributes   If the option is specified before the definition of properties is generated bracket programmer for manual application .Net attributes.
PBGetStart   If the option is given, it is generated bracket programmer in the property getter directly after the start code of the accessor.
PBGetEnd   If the option is given, it is generated bracket programmer in the property getter directly before the end of the code of the accessor.
PBSetStart   If the option is given, it is generated bracket programmer in the property setter directly after the start code of the accessor.
PBSetEnd   If the option is given, it is generated bracket programmer in the property setter immediately before the end of the code of the accessor.

3.Tab of the edit properties methods UML class:

In the upper part, the methods in the bottom - options are selected in the upper part of the method.


Property Description Generation .Net language
AccessModifier access modifier to a corresponding method .Net class Modifiers: - public - private # - protected
Name same method name that the chart Name of the method in .Net class
Description description for explanatory purposes As DocComment to the method. If IsEvent specified, the description is generated before the event and before the method wzwodem event.  
Type data type method As the method type. If not filled - void.  
IsEvent indicates that this is not a method, and event IsEvent If specified, the method must have exactly one parameter type that is declared as a UML class with the stereotype EventArg. Description EventArg, - is generated by a suitable delegate. Within the class-type - event. Within the class-type - method swadeshi event (like OnXXXXXXX)
PBCustomAttributes   If the option is given, it is generated bracket programmer immediately before the method to “manual” application .Net attributes.] IsEvent If specified, brace programmer is generated before the method of cocking the events OnXXXXXXX

For parameters of methods:

Property Description Generation .Net language
Name the same parameter name that the chart Name of the method parameter in .Net class
Description description for explanatory purposes As the description of the parameter in DocComment to a method whose parameter.  
Type the data type parameter data Type of the parameter
Modifier   Modifier transfer of parameters: byref - byval ref; - ничего; out - out; in - in.

Example of the generated code on the C# at the example

 /// <summary> 
    /// Representation of time intervals 
    /// </summary> 
    // *** Start programmer edit section *** (Minsec CustomAttributes) 
    // *** End programmer edit section *** (Minsec CustomAttributes) 
    public class МинСек
        private int fМин;
        private int fСек;
        public virtual int Мин
                return this.fМин;
                this.fМин = value;
        public virtual int Сек
                return this.fСек;
                this.fСек = value;