Features generation hidden properties in the view shown in the example

The programmer can declare properties that fall into view» «hidden, then they will be in a view, but will not be visible in the user interface.

For declaring the hidden properties you want to initialize the property Hidden when specifying an attribute View.


[View("Простое2", new string[]{"Name as Name",  "AnOtherAttrib"}, Hidden=new string[]{"AnOtherAttrib"})]

Illustration on the example of comparison of different representations

There are 3 different ideas:

  • in the first 2 properties and none of them will be hidden
  • in the second the same 2 properties, but hidden 1
  • the third will be only 1 feature (the same that remained “open” in the view number 2).
Stage 2 0 the hidden hidden 2 total 1 1 total 0 hidden
Flexberry Desinger
Code [View("КлиентHidden1", new string[] {"Name", "Registration"})] [View("КлиентHidden2", new string[] {"Name", "Registration"}, Hidden=new string[] {"Registration"})] [View("КлиентHidden3", new string[] {"Name"})]
The edit form is
The list
Downloadable data

For example, it is clearly seen that 1 and 2 are identical in terms of uploaded data (line 5), and 2 and 3 are identical in terms of the user interface (lines 3 and 4)