Basic information about the chart and its elements

Chart of activities (types of activities) - one of the available kinds of graphs supported Flexberry Designer. She, like state diagram, reflects the dynamic aspects of system behavior. Essentially, this diagram is a flowchart that shows the flow of control passes from one activity to another.


Activity on the chart are “scattered” on the treadmill, each of which corresponds to the behavior of one of the objects (e.g. customer, Manager, web server, database server, etc.). It makes it easy to identify which object performs each of the activities. Track - the area of the activity diagram, which shows only the activities under the responsibility of a specific object. The track is designed to split the chart in accordance with the allocation of responsibility for actions. The title of the track may indicate the role or object to which it corresponds.

The main elements of the chart of activities

In the diagram of activities you can display the following elements of UML notation that are available in the Toolbox:

Element/Notation Purpose
Example decision (Decision)
Example Active state (Active state)
Example Initial state (Start state)
Example End state (Final state)
PrimerPrimer Synchronizer/splitter (Complex transition)
Example Object in the state (in Object state)
PrimerPrimer Receive signal (Signal receipt)
PrimerPrimer Sending signal (sending Signal)
Example Transition (Transition) (in Object state)
Example Modify (object flow)
Example Partition (Partition)
PrimerPrimer Separator swimming lanes (Swimlane separator)
Example Point of bending of the links (Point)
Example Comment (Note)
Example Connector review (Note the connector)