Data validation occurs in several stages.
- Checks during editing on a form.
- Checks during the save of the object.
- Check in business server.
.Admission | Advantages | Disadvantages |
During editing | Allows you to quickly inform the user about incorrect values in some field | does Not allow to fully test the complex relationships between the fields of the object and other objects |
During the | save Allows you to test complex relationships between fields of an object since the check happens at a time | Test begins only when you try to save the form |
Business server | Allows to test complex relationships between fields of an object and relationships to other objects | Test only starts when you try to save the form |
General comments on the implementation of the on-screen edit forms can be found in the article Recommendations for improvement edit forms.
The preferred option is the implementation of checks at all levels.
Check and highlighting of fields on the edit form
component, allowing you to verify and illumination fields on the edit form.
Basic sequence of actions for working with DataObjectErrorProvider
displayed in the way of checking of mandatory fields during the editing phase and save the data.
not supplied as standard Flexberry.Data validation on the form during editing
Data validation on the form during editing can be carried out by:
- the exception if an invalid entry in the method
the corresponding field object - define required fields on the class diagram using the attribute NotNull
- checks through
Admission | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Throw an exception if an invalid entry in the method set the corresponding field of the object |
Allows to organize work in such a way that the user will not leave the field until, until the field value is not entered correctly | To begin the test requires that the focus may fall on corresponding field |
Define required fields on the class diagram using the attribute NotNull |
Allows the model to define required fields Discreet flag of nezaposlenosti field |
does Not allow to determine the field required only in some situations |
Check DataObjectErrorProvider |
Allows you to quickly prescribe in the code the list of mandatory fields and users of the application will not be able to change it, Discreet flag of nezaposlenosti field |
does Not allow users to change the validation criteria for the form |
Data validation on the form during the save
Data validation on the form during the save is done through the events OnSave
and may include the following elements:
- Determination of the required fields on the class diagram using the attribute
. - Check through
Admission | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Define required fields on the class diagram using the attribute NotNull |
Allows the model to define required fields | allows you to define fields that are mandatory only in certain situations |
Check DataObjectErrorProvider |
allows you to quickly prescribe in the code the list of mandatory fields and users of the application will not be able to change | does not allow users to change the validation criteria on the form |
Primer the use of all methods:_
protected override void OnSave(ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.SaveEventArgs e) //method OnSave(ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.SaveEventArgs e) independent
System.Collections.ArrayList arl = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
arl.AddRange(e.dataobject.CheckNotNullProperties(m_objView, true)); //check the set in the model NotNull field
arl.AddRange((Editor as WinformВещьE).dataObjectErrorProvider1.GetNullProperties()); //check the set using DataObjectErrorProvider required fields
if (arl.Count > 0)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Left blank required fields: " + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(", ", (string[])arl.ToArray(typeof(string))), "Attention");
(Editor as WinformВещьE).dataObjectErrorProvider1.FocusProperty(arl[0].ToString());
m_bFailedSave = true;
#region //check logical conditions and illumination through DataObjectErrorProvider
SpecificControls.DataObjectErrorProvider errorProvider = null;
if (Editor != null) errorProvider = (Editor as WinformВещьE).ValidationErrorProvider;
if (!SQLValidationManagerIntegrator.CheckAllRulesDigitReport(e.dataobject, this, null, errorProvider))
base.OnSave(e); //save if all checks are passed
Validation of required fields
If the fields are of the same class on the same edit form needs to be filled, and the other is not, then to display and validate required fields (not mentioned in the class attribute NotNull
) you can use DataObjectErrorProvider
- throw
on the form - snap
, is bound to check the field(DataObjectErrorProvider.EditManagerForBind) - to check the field in DataObjectErrorProvider.Properties
// dataObjectErrorProvider1
this.dataObjectErrorProvider1.DpdEditContainer = this;
this.dataObjectErrorProvider1.EditManagerForBind = this.EditManager;
this.dataObjectErrorProvider1.Properties = new string[] {
- DataObjectErrorProvider to associate with the data object. Call dataObjectErrorProvider1.BindToData(); Edit method
- in order to display the error field object (cockroach), you can use BindToData() or SetError() for a particular field
if (obj # null || obj.ToString() "")
dataObjectErrorProvider1.SetError(property, EditManager.NotNullToolTip);
dataObjectErrorProvider1.SetError(property, string.Empty);
- add fields to the message about not filling the required fields when saving. In the peer-editing form in the method OnSave() to write:
System.Collections.ArrayList arl = new System.Collections.ArrayList();//array where you will get the headers from a specific view, blank fields
arl.AddRange(obj.CheckNotNullProperties(m_objView, true));//required fields for the object (marked in the class attribute NotNull)
string[] s1 = form.dataObjectErrorProvider1.GetNullProperties();//mandatory fields specified in dataObjectErrorProvider1
for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; i++)
if (arl.Count > 0)
form.dataObjectErrorProvider1.FocusFirstNullProperty();//set focus on first in the array is not filled in a required field
IIS.WinUI.Tools.ShowWarning("Left blank required fields: " + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(", ", (string[])arl.ToArray(typeof(string))), "Attention");
An example of data validation on the form using OnSave/OnSaveEvent
The essence of the test is that the event OnSave/OnSaveEvent is overridden and if the data does not satisfy certain conditions, the base method does not get called.
OnSaveEvent dependent forms:
protected override void OnSaveEvent()
ОбъектыДанных.ЗаявНаВыплату vЗаяв = (ОбъектыДанных.ЗаявНаВыплату) EditManager.DataObject;bool bContinueSave = true;
if (vЗаяв.ДатаНачалаНачисл != null && vЗаяв.ЛгКатЛичн != null && vЗаяв.ЛгКатЛичн.ДатаНазначения != null && vЗаяв.ДатаНачалаНачисл.Value < vЗаяв.ЛгКатЛичн.ДатаНазначения.Value)
if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The payment may be designated with a " + vЗаяв.ЛгКатЛичн.ДатаНазначения.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + ". Save changes? ","Attention", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
bContinueSave = false;
if (bContinueSave)
base.OnSaveEvent (); //call the base method
if (!m_bFailedSave) //the value of the variable could change in the base method
OnSave independent of the form:
protected override void OnSave(ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.SaveEventArgs e)
BS.BFСправочникиBS BS = new ICSSoft.Соцзащита.BS.BFСправочникиBS();
ОбъектыДанных.Специалист vСпециалист;
vСпециалист = BS.ИдентифицироватьСпециалиста();
if (vСпециалист != null)
ОбъектыДанных.Личность vПолучатель = заявка.Получатель;
if (!vСпециалист.ПроверитьСпеца(vПолучатель))
FailedSave(new Exception ("Saving changes is not possible!")); //generate the exception that you cannot save
base.OnSave(e); //call the base method
and OnSave(ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.SaveEventArgs e)
independent. Speaking simplified, if the closing of the forms was carried out on the cross and the user has agreed to store the object that will be invoked OnSave()
, then OnSave(ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.SaveEventArgs e)
, but if the shape was carried out through the toolbar, the first will be called OnSaveEvent()
dependent form, and then OnSave(ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.SaveEventArgs e)
Cockroaches «and» an enum type
There are two ways to specify that one of the values of an enumerated type is a value corresponding» «empty, i.e. the value for which the cockroaches appear «and» a message saying I need to fill when you save the form.
The value of an enumerated type is marked
with an empty string as a parameter. This functionality is standard for Flexberry. It should be recalled, to setCaption
attribute with an empty value in the editor Flexberry you must use the symbol «~» (tilde). -
The value of an enumerated type is marked
- To display the cockroach and the control input value when saving a property of a class must be marked
2.» «Cockroaches might not appear in GroupEdit
that is associated with the mechanism of display of list of values (using a built-in opportunity FlexGrid
), but the control when you save the form will be implemented. If the display is using the standard ComboBox
, cockroaches» «will be displayed correctly.
Scenario refinement
- To configure the check of mandatory fields.
- Add the limit number of characters for string and controls a valid range for numeric controls.
- To put default.
- Add a check unique offer, date ranges.