the Ad, the setting for one or more forms, an example of using a HighLighter

HighLighter component that provides illumination of the active control on the form.

To use HighLighter in the project must be a reference to the Assembly ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.AdditionalControls

In brackets programmer CustomMembers to place the code:

// Declare HighLighter'and HL 
ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.HighLighter HL;

In the constructor of the dependent form:

// Create object 
HL = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.HighLighter(this);

// Set the illumination color 
HL.HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 150);

In the designer, independent shape:

// Create object 
HL = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.HighLighter(form);

// Set the illumination color 
HL.HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 150);

You can also set the backlight to several forms at once. This requires the following:

  • At the beginning of the application to subscribe to the load event of the form by Desktop.GlobalWinformEvents.Load.
  • To define the list changingFormTypes, which records types of forms for which you want to organize the lighting.
  • In the handler, turn on the backlight.

The setting is done in the application.


 public class TestStandWinformsDesktop : ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.Desktop
        // *** Start programmer edit section *** (TestStandWinformsDesktop CustomMembers) 
        /// <summary> 
        /// The list of forms that are configured for illumination and the transition to Enter. 
        /// </summary> 
        private static List<Type> changingFormTypes = new List<Type>()

        /// <summary> 
        /// Handler for the load event of the form. 
        /// Subscribes the necessary forms on the backlight. 
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="sender">Originator of the event form.</param> 
        /// <param name="e">event Parameters.</param> 
        static void GlobalWinformEvents_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (changingFormTypes.Contains(sender.GetType()))
                Form currentForm = (Form)sender;
                ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.HighLighter HL;
                // Create object 
                HL = new ICSSoft.STORMNET.Windows.Forms.HighLighter(currentForm);

                // Set the illumination color 
                HL.HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 150);

        // *** End programmer edit section *** (TestStandWinformsDesktop CustomMembers) 


 static void Main()
         // *** Start programmer edit section *** (TestStandWinforms Before authorization) 
         // Subscribe to the download form. 
         Desktop.GlobalWinformEvents.Load -= GlobalWinformEvents_Load;
         Desktop.GlobalWinformEvents.Load += GlobalWinformEvents_Load;

         // *** End programmer edit section *** (TestStandWinforms Before authorization) 

HighLighter subscribes to the events OnGotFocus and OnLostFocus form objects and change their property BackColor on your back and when it is triggered.


Comparison of one and the same shape with the included Highlighter and without:

Highlighter’without a With Highlighter’om