Specified what to do if you need to run the code in the main thread of the application in the absence of a reference to the control created in this thread

One of the basic rules of concurrent programming for Windows forms reads as follows: “«Treatment to the control should be done from the thread that the control was created»”. This is normally done by calling methods Control.Invoke (simultaneous launch delegate) and Control.BeginInvoke (asynchronous start delegate). However, it is sometimes necessary to run code in the main thread of the application in the absence of a reference to the control created in this thread. To solve the problem of running code in main thread from another thread in WinForms used class SynchronizationContext. In Flexberry Platform to refer to the context synchronization is available by calling UISynchronization.Context, Context static field is initialized in the form constructor your desktop.


if (UISynchronization.Context!=null)
       	bugReportProvider.SaveError(_screenShots, sysInfo, exceptions[0] as Exception);
       }), null);