the connection Rules component to edit detailov on a separate form

GEEditorExt - extension component GroupEdit, allowing to organize the following behavior:

  1. Toolbar GroupEdit added buttons “Create” and “Open”
  2. When you click on the button “Open” up the edit form corresponding to the object type in GroupEdit. When you pick up the form data entered in GroupEdit are recorded on the form.
  3. When you click on “Create” up edit form of detail corresponding object type in GroupEdit, while maintaining which creates a line in the GroupEdit.
  4. When you save detail on the edit form does not record in the database - detail will be recorded in the database along with his master when it is saved.
  5. In the case when the object is open for editing, it is forbidden to edit it in GroupEdit(a warning message is issued and displayed on the foreground of the edit form). For consistency of display in GroupEdit changed to the form data synchronized display of data in the edit form and when you activate it.

How to connect GEEditorExt

Connection GEEditorExt considered by the example: “Buyer” is class wizard: Purchase - class of detail.

Example diagrammy

1.In the form class aggregator declares a variable of type GEEditorExt:

public class WinformC__ПокупательE : ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.BaseWinEdit, IIS.MasterField.DPDIC__ПокупательE
    IIS.AMS02.GEEditorExt extGEПокупки;

2.In the method Edit forms of the aggregator adds code for initialization of this variable. The class constructor GEEditorExt as a parameter is passed GroupEdit, the functionality of which is expected to increase.

public class WinformC__ПокупательE : ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.BaseWinEdit, IIS.MasterField.DPDIC__ПокупательE
    IIS.AMS02.GEEditorExt extGEПокупки;
    public override void Edit(ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataobject, string contpath, string propertyname, object tag)
        #region возможность создания и редактирования реагирований на отдельной формы из GE
                        if (this.extGEПокупки == null)
                                this.extGEПокупки = new IIS.AMS02.GEEditorExt(Покупки);
                #endregion возможность создания и редактирования реагирований на отдельной формы из GE

3.In the method GetEditor forms of the aggregator code is added that indicates which form to raise for editing specific detail:

public class WinformC__ПокупательE : ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.BaseWinEdit, IIS.MasterField.DPDIC__ПокупательE
    public override Type GetEditor(ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.EventType eventtype, ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dataobject, string contpath, string propertyname)
        if ((propertyname == "Buy"))
            return System.Type.GetType("IIS.MasterField.C__Pokupke");

4.Override method PromtUserForActionAtClose forms of detail (this is due to the feature of the 1st class GEEditorExt):

public class WinformC__ПокупкаE : ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.BaseWinEdit, IIS.MasterField.DPDIC__ПокупкаE
    public override ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.DialogResult PromtUserForActionAtClose()
        if (EditManager.DataObject.GetStatus() == ICSSoft.STORMNET.ObjectStatus.Created &&
            EditManager.DataObject.DynamicProperties.ContainsKey("Pseudocoherent") ||
            EditManager.DataObject.GetStatus() == ICSSoft.STORMNET.ObjectStatus.UnAltered &&
            EditManager.DataObject.GetAlteredPropertyNames().Length == 0)
            return ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.DialogResult.Yes;
        return base.PromtUserForActionAtClose();

5.Independently of detail to override the reading from the DB (in order not shall be deducted the entire object when lifting the edit form):

public class C__ПокупкаE : ICSSoft.STORMNET.UI.BaseIndpdEdit
    protected override void PrepareDataObjectForEdit(ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject dobject)
        // *** Start programmer edit section *** (PrepareDataObjectForEdit (DataObject) start) 
        if (dobject.GetStatus(false) == ICSSoft.STORMNET.ObjectStatus.Altered)
            m_objView = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Information.GetView("C__Pokupke", typeof(IIS.MasterField.Покупка));
        // *** End programmer edit section *** (PrepareDataObjectForEdit (DataObject) start) 
        m_objView = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Information.GetView("C__Pokupke", typeof(IIS.MasterField.Покупка));
        if ((dobject.GetStatus(false) != ICSSoft.STORMNET.ObjectStatus.Created)
                    || dobject.Prototyped)
            ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObject(m_objView, dobject, false, false);
        // *** Start programmer edit section *** (PrepareDataObjectForEdit (DataObject) end) 

        // *** End programmer edit section *** (PrepareDataObjectForEdit (DataObject) end) 

It assumes that the view to display detail on the edit form and in GroupEdit are the same (i.e. it is the same view, or views with the same set of attributes). If the views are different, then the code between the brackets of the programmer in the above method PrepareDataObjectForEdit should be replaced by this:

m_objView = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Information.GetView("C__Pokupke", typeof(IIS.MasterField.Покупка));
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View ge_View = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Information.GetView("C__ПокупкаD", typeof(IIS.MasterField.Покупка));
//finish what is on the edit form, but not in the GE 
ICSSoft.STORMNET.View дочитать_View = m_objView - ge_View;
//from this view, remove properties that could be changed on the edit form, 
//if it has been opened before 
foreach (string altprop in dobject.GetAlteredPropertyNames())
ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObject(дочитать_View, dobject, false, false);

However, in this case (in the case of different representations) will appear feature: if you open the master, with nothing else on it not to change, to open detail on the edit and close the form, it closes without issue of preservation and the form wizard will ask about saving. This is due to the fact that after subtraction of additional properties of detail its set of attributes in the copy of the master will differ from a set in the wizard. To get rid of it by manual correction of the copy wizard before opening the edit form of detail.