the examples show how to use OwnerConnectProp, ConnectMasterProp when building restrictions

Filter by detalam wizard can be proillyustrirovana a few examples.

Diagram-example for 3 classes


To filter out all Odottamattomasti for Salenatural, you must create a filter setup in the following way:

  • Create the filter configuration for Salenatural
  • To create a setting of detail for the filter settings
  • Specify the view Udostoveritsya
  • Setting detail specify OwnerConnectProp = Personality
  • Setting detail specify ConnectMasterProp = Personality

Thus, Zaveniaghina and Odomdocument will be contacted in Person.

Diagram-example for 4 classes

“Example is taken from is “University”,”


To filter out all Obrazovatelnogo for Stroyrekonstruksiya, you must:

  • Create the filter configuration for Stroyrekonstruksiya
  • To create a setting of detail for the filter settings
  • Specify the view Obrazovatelnogo
  • Setting detail specify OwnerConnectProp = Zaveniaghina.Personality
  • Setting detail specify ConnectMasterProp = Personality

Thus, Stroyrekonstruksiya and Obrazovatelnykh will be contacted through Zaveniaghina and Personality.

OwnerConnectProp, ConnectMasterProp

Thus, in ConnectMasterProp specifies the path from detail and OwnerConnectProp - detalu from the object. The bundle is as follows: Detail.ConnectMasterProp = Object.OwnerConnectProp.

It is also worth noting that the property OwnerConnectProp determines what objects are detaily. If the property is not specified (i.e. set to null), the ligament occurs primary key (StormMainObjectKey).