instructions for updating EmberJS on projects that use Ember Flexberry.

The General approach to update ember-cli

The update is recommended to perform consistently switching versions ember-cli to run on each new version of the initialization of the project and controlling the collection of project and testing. You should also closely monitor DEPRECATIONS, because from version to version, they turn into errors. The most convenient way to use ember-cli with multiple versions is to use Docker-container ember-cli.

Upgrading from version 2.4.3 to 3.0.0

The table that will help when you update Ember.js to 3.x in terms of replacing the names in the imports to the new «dogs»

The good news in the fact that in Ember there is the so-called» «GodMode packages, which automatically allow the code to replace the old for the new syntax when you upgrade versions Ember.js. Here’s the corresponding codemod to update the names in the imports (instructions for use there in the description):

After starting codmod, perhaps something will need to dopravit hands.

Tags: EmberJS