Describes the basic features of working with enum types in ember-flexberry-data.

Working with enumerations

If the object has a property of type enum, it in the models is required to do the following:

To determine the transformation for a specific type (to determine how the client will serialize and deserialize the relevant values).

For the server type is an enumeration, NewPlatform.Someproject.Gender in the transforms folder, you should create a file with the name new-platform-someproject-gender.js.

Generated class to posledovat from the finished version of the job of an enumerated type “enum-string”, and then just in property “values” to specify valid values for an enumerated type (you can specify as an array, and with the help of the object).

import EnumTransform from 'ember-flexberry/transforms/enum-string';

export default EnumTransform.extend({
  values: ['Male', 'Female', 'Unknown'] // Valid values for an enumerated type. 

enum-string and enum-number

In ember-flexbery-data available in two base class for enumerations.

  • enum-string - working with values passed from the server as strings.
  • enum-number - works with values that are transmitted from the server in the form of numbers.

For example, if you specify valid values for any of the following methods, enum-string would expect from the server and send it to the server, the value ‘Empty’, ‘First’, ‘Second’, and enum-number the numbers 0, 1, 2 to set in an array and 1, 2, 3 to specify the type of the object (in this case interpreting it on the client as ‘Empty’, ‘First’, ‘Second’).

['Пусто', 'Первая', 'Вторая']; // Set values in an array 

{ Пусто: 1, Первая: 2, Вторая: 3 }; // Set values in an object