
Internationalization in the addon ember-flexberry based on ember-i18n. Ember-service i18n described here, is introduced during application initialization in all components, controllers, ranting, models and views.

Initialize locale

By default, when you run the application sets the locale corresponding to the language of the browser: navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage. To change the current locale you need in your code to assign the property locale service i18n:

this.set('i18n.locale', 'ru');

All localized values in the app will be changed to the corresponding locale installed. By default the locale to located in the folder app/locales addon ember-flexberry. There you can see available keys for localization, the purpose of which the names and the hierarchy.

Substitution of the values for the current locale

If you want to implement the change specific labels, it can be done using the method addTranslations service i18n, putting the locale key and its value as described sdes.