Describes the basic steps for configuring validation


Client validation is configured in the application based on addon Ember Validations (the documentation for this addon more than the capacity to define rules).

The validation set of the model (other manipulation of configuration are sewn in technology Flexberry ASP.NET Ember):

var Model = BaseModel.extend({
  номерПроекта: DS.attr('string'),
  краткоеСодержание: DS.attr('string'),
  визирование: DS.attr('boolean', {defaultValue: false}),
  примечание: DS.attr('string'),

  // Validation rules. 
  validations: {
      номерПроекта: { presence: true },
      краткоеСодержание: { presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } },
      визирование: { presence: true },
      примечание: { length: { maximum: 255 } },

To display the validation on the edit form in the corresponding template you must write about the following (styles and position of elements may be different):

<div class="ui grid `if model.errors.samarpreet 'error' "`">
	<div class="ui two wide column right aligned, middle aligned content">
		<label>Номер проекта</label>
	<div class="ten wide column">
		<span class="flexberry-validation-error-message">`model.errors.номерПроекта`</span>
		`input type="text" placeholder="(no value)" value=model.номерПроекта`

Types of validators

There are standard validators provided by the addon Ember Validations and custom validators provided with the addon ember-flexberry.

Standard validators

Addon Ember Validations include the following validators:

  • absence - verifying that validated the property must be empty. Read more.
  • acceptance - verifying that validated the property is a valid value (set in the validator). Read more.
  • confirmation - check that the value of the validated property is the value of the property propertyConfirmation, where property is the name you want to validate properties. Read more.
  • exclusion - check that the value of validated properties are not included in the list of invalid values. Read more.
  • format - check that the value you want to validate the property match the given regular expression. Read more.
  • inclusion - check that the value you want to validate the properties included in the list of valid values. Read more.
  • length - check that the value of validated properties is the specified length. Read more.
  • numericality - check that the value of the validated property is numeric. Read more.
  • presence - verifying that validated the property must not be empty. Read more.

Custom validators

In the framework of the addon ember-flexberry implemented the following validators:

  • datetime - validation of date input/date / time. Read more.

Conditional validators

All validators can work in the mode of conditional validation - their operation will depend either on an additional logical function, or Boolean property of an object. Read more.

Development of custom validators

Application developers can also create their own custom validators if the validator is not enough to implement the application logic. There are 2 ways to implement custom validators:

  • Implement your own validator, which can be reused for different entities
  • Implement inline validator that checks the correctness of the data model for one specific entity

Read more about the process of creating custom validators can be viewed here.

In addition, you can view the source code of validators in the repository addon Ember Validations on GitHub.