Description the client language requests.

The namespace of the Query

In the expansion ember-flexberry-data exported namespace is Query, which contains classes for working with the query language. Import namespace Query you must use the following code:

import { Query } from 'ember-flexberry-data';

The Query namespace contains the following list of classes:

  • BaseAdapter - base class for adapters query language, which convert the request object to the request for a specific type of backend.
  • BaseBuilder - base class for query Builder.
  • Builder class to build queries (query Builder).
  • Condition - listing with the logical operators for the Query.ComplexPredicate.
  • FilterOperator - transfer operations for the Query.SimplePredicate.
  • IndexedDbAdapter adapter query language to query the IndexedDB from the request object.
  • JsAdapter adapter query language for building functions filtrations of JavaScript arrays from the request object.
  • OdataAdapter adapter query language to construct queries according to the specification OData from the request object.
  • OrderByClause class for the formation of the order-by part of the query.
  • BasePredicate - the base class for classes of predicates.
  • SimplePredicate class to create a filter in the query for the attribute value and the specified operation.
  • ComplexPredicate class to create a filter in the request of several predicates combined with logical operations.
  • StringPredicate class to create a filter in the query for string fields.
  • DetailPredicate class to create a filter in the request for Dethalbum objects.
  • DatePredicate class to create a filter in a query on fields of type date.
  • NotPredicate class for the inversion of the nested predicate.
  • IsOfPredicate class to create a filter in the query type of the data object.
  • createPredicate - method to create a predicate on the specified parameters.

An example of using the classes in the namespace:

let builder = new Query.Builder(store);

In order not to write anywhere in the code explicitly the namespace, you can use the following JavaScript:

import { Query } from 'ember-flexberry-data';
const { Builder, FilterOperator } = Query;

let builder = new Builder(store, 'customer').where('firstName', FilterOperator.Eq, 'Vasya');


Query.Builder class to build the query.


Designer Query.Builder can take 2 parameters: mandatory store, and modelName - the name of the request entity (the model name for editing).

let builder = new Query.Builder(store);

let builder = new Query.Builder(store, 'customer');

Subtraction of object key

PstrfbyId` method accepts a parameter string or a number as the object key (GUID should be passed in lower case).

let builder = new Query.Builder(

The name of the entity



A predicate function that returns true/false. The predicate may be:

  • Simple
  • Complex
  • String
  • Dethalbum


let builder = new Query.Builder(store, 'customer').where('firstName', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Vasya');

Dla mastera

let builder = new Query.Builder(store, 'customer').where('manager', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, '3bcc4730-9cc1-4237-a843-c4b1de881d7c');

Dla field master

let builder = new Query.Builder(store, 'customer').where('manager.firstName', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Vasya');


builder.orderBy('age desc, price asc');

Po field masters:_

builder.orderBy('creator.age desc, price asc');

Return the first N records;

Skip N records


Counting the number of results


To set the attributes for the request

Projection and set the attributes of this activity (select statements) are mutually exclusive, you must use one of these!'id,age,name');

Job projection for the query

Projection and set the attributes of this activity(select statements) are mutually exclusive, you must use one of these!


Create query instance based on the specified data;

Passing the instance to query




Query.SimplePredicate class for simple predicates to filter the field value and the specified operator.


Designer Query.SimplePredicate takes 3 parameters: attributePath - path attribute operator operator, value value.

let predicate = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Vasya');

To derive properties of predicate

Get the path attribute:


Obtaining operator:


Getting the value of filtering:



Query.ComplexPredicate class for complex predicates that combine multiple predicates by a logical conditions.


Designer Query.ComplexPredicate takes 2 parameters: condition - logical conditions for predicates, ...predicates - list of predicates to be merged.

let sp1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Vasya');
let sp2 = new Query.SimplePredicate('surname', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Ivanov');
let cp1 = new Query.ComplexPredicate(Query.Condition.Or, sp1, sp2);

Another option:

let p1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Vasya');
let p2 = new Query.SimplePredicate('surname', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Ivanov');
let result = p1.or(p2);

To derive properties of predicate

Receiving a logical condition:


Get a list of predicates:


Adding to the existing complex predicate a new one.

Take cp1 in the example for the constructor. Adding and using:

let sp3 = new Query.SimplePredicate('nationality', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Russian');
let result = cp1.and(sp3);

Add using or:

let sp3 = new Query.SimplePredicate('nationality', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Russian');
let result = cp1.or(sp3);


Query.StringPredicate class to build filters on string fields.


Designer Query.StringPredicate takes a single parameter: attributePath - path attribute of the predicate.

Search by substring

The addition of the value specified in the designer attribute must contain:

let sp1 = new Query.StringPredicate('country').contains('i');

The addition of the value attribute of the master should contain:

let sp1 = new Query.StringPredicate('').contains('i');

To derive properties of predicate

Get the path attribute:


Obtaining the value that should be contained in the attribute:



Query.DetailPredicate class to build filters detalam.


Designer Query.DetailPredicate takes a single parameter - the name of detail.

let dp = new Query.DetailPredicate('detailName')

The addition of a simple predicate for all detailov

dp.all(new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Tag1'));


let p = new Query.DetailPredicate('detailName').all('field', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Value');

Dla field master

dp.all(new Query.SimplePredicate('', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'X'));

Adding a simple predicate to any detail

dp.any(new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Tag1'));


let p = new Query.DetailPredicate('detailName').any('field', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Value');

Dla field master

dp.any(new Query.SimplePredicate('', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'X'));

Adding complex predicate for all detailov

let sp1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Tag1');
let sp2 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Tag3');
let cp1 = new Query.ComplexPredicate(Query.Condition.Or, sp1, sp2);
let dp = new Query.DetailPredicate('tags').all(cp1);

Dla field master

let sp1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'X');
let sp2 = new Query.SimplePredicate('', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Z');
let cp1 = new Query.ComplexPredicate(Query.Condition.Or, sp1, sp2);
let dp = new Query.DetailPredicate('tags').all(cp1);

Adding complex predicate for any detail

let sp1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Tag1');
let sp2 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Tag2');
let cp1 = new Query.ComplexPredicate(Query.Condition.Or, sp1, sp2);
let dp = new Query.DetailPredicate('tags').any(cp1);

Dla field master

let sp1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'X');
let sp2 = new Query.SimplePredicate('', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Y');
let cp1 = new Query.ComplexPredicate(Query.Condition.Or, sp1, sp2);
let dp = new Query.DetailPredicate('tags').any(cp1);


Query.DatePredicate class for predicates to filter fields of type date by value, and the specified operator.


Designer Query.DatePredicate takes 4 parameters: attributePath - path attribute operator operator, value - value and timeless - flag indicating whether to consider time when comparing the dates (if true, then time does not count).

let predicate = new Query.DatePredicate('birthday', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, '2018-02-06T11:00:00.000Z');
let predicate = new Query.DatePredicate('birthday', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, '2018-02-06', true);

To derive properties of predicate

Get the path attribute:


Obtaining operator:


Getting the value of filtering:


Getting a flag taking into account the time:



Query.NotPredicate class for the inversion of the nested predicate.


Designer Query.NotPredicate takes a single parameter – the other the predicate.

let np = new Query.NotPredicate(new Query.SimplePredicate('', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'X'));

To derive properties of predicate

Getting a nested predicate:

let innerPredicate = np.predicate;



Designer Query.IsOfPredicate with two parameters takes a string expression that indicates the property of the model, and the string with the model name.

let predicate = new Query.IsOFPredicate('manager', 'employee');

Designer Query.IsOfPredicate with one parameter takes a string with the model name.

let predicate = new Query.IsOFPredicate('customer');

There is a method to simplify work with this predicate.

let predicate = new Query.IsOFPredicate('man');
let builder = new Query.Builder(store, 'creator').where(predicate);

An equivalent expression without using a predicate.

let builder = new Query.Builder(store, 'creator').isOf('man');

Logical operators for complex predicates



let cp1 = new Query.ComplexPredicate(Query.Condition.Or, sp1, sp2);



let cp1 = new Query.ComplexPredicate(Query.Condition.And, sp1, sp2);

Operators to filter the data for simple predicates



let sp1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Tag1');



let sp1 = new Query.SimplePredicate('name', Query.FilterOperator.Neq, 'Tag1');



let builder = new Query.QueryBuilder(store, modelName).where('age', Query.FilterOperator.Ge, 10);

Greater than or equal to


let builder = new Query.QueryBuilder(store, modelName).where('age', Query.FilterOperator.Geq, 11);



let builder = new Query.QueryBuilder(store, modelName).where('age', Query.FilterOperator.Le, 12);

Less than or equal to


let builder = new Query.QueryBuilder(store, modelName).where('age', Query.FilterOperator.Leq, 11);

Create a query to filter the listings

The name and type of enumeration is taken name and written in a predicate:

let enumValues = Ember.getOwner(this).lookup('enum:' + filter.type);
let pattern = '';

for (let key in enumValues) {
    if (enumValues[key] === filter.pattern) {
        pattern = key;

switch (filter.condition) {
    case 'Равно':
    return new SimplePredicate(, FilterOperator.Eq, pattern);
    case 'Не равно':
    return new SimplePredicate(, FilterOperator.Neq, pattern);
    // defaults to 
    return new SimplePredicate(, FilterOperator.Eq, pattern);

Example of a complex query

let builder = new Query.QueryBuilder(store)
      .where('firstName', Query.FilterOperator.Eq, 'Vasya')