
The router is defined in the file router.js and inherits from the class EMBER.ROUTER.

Read more about the contents of the router you can read on Ember website](

An example of the structure for applications.

Suppose we have a model of “new-platform-someproject-employee”, then the router it will be the following:

import Ember from 'ember';
import config from './config/environment';

const Router = Ember.Router.extend({
  location: config.locationType
}); {
  // /new-platform-someproject-employees 
  this.route('new-platform-someproject-employees'); // The list of records. 

  // /new-platform-someproject-employees/2 - render into the outlet in the application template 
  this.route('new-platform-someproject-employee', { path: 'new-platform-someproject-employees/:id' }); // Form to edit a record with the identifier id. 

  // /new-platform-someproject-employees/new 
  this.route('', { path: 'new-platform-someproject-employees/new' }); // Form to create records. 

export default Router;

If there is a need to when working with the application the user sees a path other than the model name (e.g. model name is too long or written in Russian letters), it is possible to write a router in the following way (in this case the names of the entities the code uses ‘new-platform-someproject-employee’, ‘shortpaths’ appears only in the router, or if it will set the url explicitly, which is not recommended): {
  this.route('new-platform-someproject-employees', { path: 'shortpaths' });
  this.route('new-platform-someproject-employee', { path: 'shortpaths/:id' });
  this.route('', { path: 'shortpaths/new' });

Router and path controller and ranting

File structure controllers and ranting is closely connected with the content router.

Let router is the following: {
  // /employees 

  // /employees/2 - render into the outlet in the application template 
  this.route('employee', { path: 'employees/:id' });

  // /employees/new 
  this.route('', { path: 'employees/new' });

The structure for file ranting and controllers will have the same structure (the most common situation, some controllers in the General case may not be present or the relationship will go more cleverly):

The root folder (or routes controllers), in which:

  • “‘employee.js”’ // edit Form.
  • “‘employees.js”’ // List form.
  • a sub-folder of “‘employee”’ in which:
  • “‘new.js”’ // Form create.