Describes the options for setting the default values in ember-flexberry application.


There are different approaches to setting a default value in the Ember application.

One approach would be to use on the level of models defaultValue.

For example:

var Model = BaseModel.extend({
  firstName: DS.attr('string', { defaultValue: 'Test2602' }),
  birthDate: DS.attr('date', {
    defaultValue() { return new Date(); }

Assignment default values on the creation form

Job defaults can occur at the form of in rout in afterModel.

For example, you want to the property “dataproject” set the current date.

import EditFormNewRoute from 'ember-flexberry/routes/edit-form-new';

export default EditFormNewRoute.extend({
  afterModel: function(model, transition) {
    var date = new Date();
    model.set('датаПроекта', date);

A more complex option is when the default value you want to retrieve from the server. For example, you want to specify the current user in the ‘registered’. In this case you will need to do an ajax request to the server. Let GetCurrentUser server method returns the current user, then the code can be as follows:

import Ember from 'ember';
import config from '../../config/environment';
import EditFormNewRoute from 'ember-flexberry/routes/edit-form-new';

export default EditFormNewRoute.extend({
  afterModel: function(model, transition) {
    var store =;

      type: 'GET',
      async: false,
      url: config.APP.backendUrls.api + '/GetCurrentUser', / / "Config.APP.backendUrls.api" the recorded path to the server. 
      success: function(result) {
        if (result) {
          store.pushPayload('some-project-пользователь', result); // First convert the result in a model understand Ember. 
          store.findRecord('some-project-пользователь', result.__PrimaryKey).then(function(person) {
            model.set('зарегистрировал', person); // We find that the resulting model is written to with the desired property. 