Goal: to translate the order into a state Оплаченный
it is necessary to check whether the goods to be discharged, and if so subtract the required amount of product.
Note: for simplicity, we assume that the goods may be located in different warehouses, and the requested amount is searched from all warehouses, summing up.
A business server is a specialized class that allows to intercept the current service data operations on a data source (such as creating a record in a database table, delete, update), depending on the state of the data object. To implement such a class has the stereotype businessserver
Such as, in order to check the availability of goods in stock at the time the order is saved with status Оплаченный
, you must:
1.To add to the class diagram the class with the stereotype businessserver
2.To save the graph, in the properties of the class Заказ
to specify the name of the business server, and save the editing form class. Then, from the drop-down list, choose positive OnAllEvents
(i.e. during any service operations, data):
3.To save the graph. Generate business servers and data objects.
4.The project with the business servers to add to Solution
. Add a project reference to the business server to the application projects.
5.Then register in parentheses programmer the following lines (to select the options use a combination of Ctrl
// *** Start programmer edit section *** (Using statements)
using System.Collections;
using ICSSoft.STORMNET.FunctionalLanguage;
using ICSSoft.STORMNET.FunctionalLanguage.SQLWhere;
// *** End programmer edit section *** (Using statements)
6.Later in the code business servers to handle all of the following:
public virtual ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject[] OnUpdateЗаказ(АСУ_Склад.Заказ UpdatedObject)
// *** Start programmer edit section *** (OnUpdateЗаказ)
// Define the array that will return for updates.
DataObject[] ret = new DataObject[0];
// Check that the received object is exactly what we need (created or modified and the status is set to Paid).
if ((UpdatedObject.GetStatus() == ICSSoft.STORMNET.ObjectStatus.Created || UpdatedObject.GetStatus() == ICSSoft.STORMNET.ObjectStatus.Altered) && Array.IndexOf(UpdatedObject.GetAlteredPropertyNames(), Status) >= 0 && UpdatedObject.Статус == СостояниеЗаказа.Оплаченный)
// Build the restriction and subtract all the objects in Tavarnelle that suit us.
Заказ заказ = UpdatedObject;
ICSSoft.STORMNET.FunctionalLanguage.Function lf = null;
for (int i = 0; i < заказ.СтрокаЗаказа.Count; i++)
if (lf != null)
if (заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар != null)
lf = FunctionBuilder.BuildOr(
FunctionBuilder.BuildEquals<ТоварНаСкладе>(x => x.Goods, заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар));
if (заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар != null)
lf = FunctionBuilder.BuildEquals<ТоварНаСкладе>(x => x.Goods, заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар);
ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.LoadingCustomizationStruct lcs = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.LoadingCustomizationStruct.GetSimpleStruct(typeof(ТоварНаСкладе),"Tavernacle");
lcs.LimitFunction = lf;
ICSSoft.STORMNET.DataObject[] objs = ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.DataServiceProvider.DataService.LoadObjects(lcs);
// Place the read objects in a sorted list for easy access later on.
System.Collections.SortedList sl = new System.Collections.SortedList();
for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
if (sl.ContainsKey(((ТоварНаСкладе)objs[i]).Товар.__PrimaryKey))
System.Collections.ArrayList списокТоваров = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
sl.Add(((ТоварНаСкладе)objs[i]).Товар.__PrimaryKey, списокТоваров);
// Define the string for the error message.
string errStr = string.Empty;
ArrayList retObjs = new ArrayList();
// Check the availability of goods in warehouses, if not enough, then give error message if missing, then subtract the number.
for (int i = 0; i < заказ.СтрокаЗаказа.Count; i++)
if (sl.ContainsKey(заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар.__PrimaryKey))
ArrayList arl = ((System.Collections.ArrayList)sl[заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар.__PrimaryKey]);
int количествоНаСкладах = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arl.Count; j++)
количествоНаСкладах +=
if (количествоНаСкладах <
errStr += "Missing item \"" + заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар.Название + "\" available: " + количествоНаСкладах + "requires " + заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Количество + Environment.NewLine;
int колич = заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Количество;
for (int j = 0; j < arl.Count; j++)
if (колич > 0 &&
((ТоварНаСкладе)arl[j]).Количество > колич)
((ТоварНаСкладе)arl[j]).Количество -= колич;
колич = 0; retObjs.Add(arl[j]);
if (колич > 0)
колич -= ((ТоварНаСкладе)arl[j]).Количество;
((ТоварНаСкладе)arl[j]).Количество = 0;
errStr += "Product \"" +
заказ.СтрокаЗаказа[i].Товар.Название + "\" available is missing." + Environment.NewLine;
// In case something is not enough, we inform the user.
if (errStr != string.Empty)
throw new Exception(errStr);
// If everything is fine, then return an array of objects that need to be updated.
ret = new DataObject[retObjs.Count]; retObjs.CopyTo(ret, 0);
return ret;
// *** End programmer edit section *** (OnUpdateЗаказ)