Brief description
jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies interaction with the DOM, event handling, animation, AJAX. This library provides easy to use API, which works in different browsers.
jQuery Mobile - this is a touch-oriented (mobile) framework used to create responsive web sites and web applications available on all smartphones, tablets and desktop devices.
jQuery UI is a library that provides a set of elements to the UI controls, effects, widgets, and themes developed on top of the jQuery library.
Links to materials for the study
Basic resources
- jQuery — Wikipedia
- jQuery Mobile — Wikipedia
- jQuery UI — Wikipedia
- jQuery Learning Center -
- jQuery API
- jQuery Mobile API
- jQuery UI API
Tutorials and textbooks
Interactive courses
Presented below interactive courses include assignments to test the gained knowledge and skills.
Additionally ###
- School of development of interfaces. Moscow - Academy of Yandex
- School of development of interfaces. Ekaterinburg Academy of Yandex
- School of development of interfaces. Simferopol - Academy Yandex
Instead of the presentation
Recommended books
- JQuery fundamentals - Rebecca Murphy
- JavaScript and jQuery. Comprehensive manual - David Sawyer Mcfarland
- jQuery. A detailed guide to advanced JavaScript bene Bibo, Yehuda Katz
- jQuery Mobile. Development of applications for smartphones and tablets - Maximiliano Firtman