Brief description

CSS (from the English. Cascading Style Sheets — «cascading style sheets») is a language of hierarchical rules (stylesheets) used to represent the appearance of a document written in HTML or XML (including various XML languages like SVG and XHTML). CSS describes how an element should be displayed on the screen, paper, voice, or other media.

CSS3 - this is the latest evolutionary change language CSS, which is aimed at extension of CSS 2.1. It brings the long-awaited novelties, like rounded corners, shadows, gradients, transitions or animations, as well as new layouts such as the layout of multiple columns, rubber» «design or grid layout.

LESS - preprocessor of the CSS language allows you to use variables, functions, loops, and other technologies to simplify work with styles.» «the Preprocessor in this case means that we are dealing with a dynamic style language, which is converted (compiled) into CSS.

SASS (from the English. Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets — «syntactically gorgeous table styles») is another popular CSS preprocessor language.

Basic resources


Interactive courses

Presented below interactive courses include assignments to test the gained knowledge and skills.



Additionally ###

Instead of the presentation


Tests, laboratory work and practical tasks


Practical tasks


Opportunities for certification
