The contents of the module
- Key concepts of JavaScript and setting up the environment for projects
- Single page application (SPA) architectural pattern MVC
- Object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript, prototypical inheritance
- The call context, scope, closures
- The interaction with the server
- Modules and project structure, package managers
- Opportunities ES6 , transplace JavaScript
- Asynchronous programming
- Architectural patterns
- Build automation applications
- Checking code style and automation
- Application testing
- Debugging and profiling applications
- The creation of autodocumentary
Expected learning outcomes
The results of the study of module student must:
- To understand the peculiarities of implementation of OOP in JavaScript and, in particular, prototype-based inheritance
- To understand the scope of the execution context of code
- To be able to configure its surroundings development for new projects
- To be able to control the calling context of functions using the methods bind, call, apply
- To be able to use closures
- To be able to use the tools of JavaScript and jQuery for interaction with the server
- To be able to use the package Manager npm and yarn to manage third-party dependencies
- To be able to use language features fresh ECMAScript spec
- To be able to configure transmilenio JavaScript code using Babel.js
- To be able to use design promises and async/await
- Know and be able to apply commonly used design patterns in your JavaScript applications
- To be able to use libraries and Webpack Broccoli.js to build JavaScript applications
- To be able to configure linting JavaSciript code using ESLint
- To be able to use tools to debug JavaScript applications
- To be able to write unit tests using QUnit test framework
- To be able to generate autodocumentation using JSDoc