In lesson architecture client-server and its variants (Eugene Haberi, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In lesson briefly describes the layered model of network vzaimodeystviya devices (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In the lesson, hypertext transfer Protocol, and COMET and variants of its implementation (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In lesson embodiments of sessions based on cookies, query parameters and server sessions (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In the lesson, interaction between client and server in the context of web applications (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).
the lesson discusses the types of web servers, as well as the principles of static and dynamic generation of web pages (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).
the lesson briefly discusses client-side web technologies (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In lesson modern web application in conext architectures SOA, RIA, SPA, IoT (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).
lesson the difference of the architectures of multi-page and single page applications (Eugene Haberi, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In the lesson, an example implementation of the MPA-based application technologies ASP.NET (Eugene Haberi, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In the lesson, an example implementation of the SPA-based application framework Ember.js (Eugene Haberi, Fleberry PLATFORM).
In lesson, briefly rassmatrivaetsya Chrome Developer Tools, Fiddler and Postman (Alexander Eliseev, Fleberry PLATFORM).