The contents of the module

  1. The version control system Git and the GitHub platform
    • Basic concepts of Git
    • Install and configure Git
    • Taking and reverting changes
    • Working with branches
    • The Concept Of Git Flow
    • Graphic shell for Git
    • The basics of working with GitHub
    • Keeping team projects on GitHub
    • CodeReview
    • Creating and making pull-requests
    • Means GitHub for planning and managing the development of
    • GitHub Pages
    • Tools for creating server builds and deployment of web applications
  2. Teamwork in the Azure DevOps (TFS/VSTS)
    • Familiarity with DevOps
    • Installation and configuration of software
    • Azure DevOps Services DevOps and Azure Server
    • Connect to server on Azure, DevOps
    • Creation of the organization, setting permissions and security
    • Creation of project, connection to the project
    • Work with work items
    • Planning iterations
    • Work with Git and TFVC repository
    • Work with DevOps Azure from Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code
    • Set up the server builds and automatic deployment of web applications

Expected learning outcomes

The results of the study of module student must:

  1. To understand the principles of version control systems Git and TFVC
  2. To be able to make and undo changes in Git and TFVC in compliance with the rules of registration changes
  3. To be able to work with branches in Git and TFVC
  4. To be able to work in team projects on GitHub and Azure DevOps
  5. To understand the principles of implementation of CodeReview, to be able to perform corrections on the results of the CodeReview
  6. To be able to plan the iteration on GitHub and Azure DevOps
  7. To be able to configure the server builds and automatic deployment of applications on GitHub to Azure and DevOps
  8. To be able to use GitHub Pages to publish web sites

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