The contents of the module
- The version control system Git and the GitHub platform
- Basic concepts of Git
- Install and configure Git
- Taking and reverting changes
- Working with branches
- The Concept Of Git Flow
- Graphic shell for Git
- The basics of working with GitHub
- Keeping team projects on GitHub
- CodeReview
- Creating and making pull-requests
- Means GitHub for planning and managing the development of
- GitHub Pages
- Tools for creating server builds and deployment of web applications
- Teamwork in the Azure DevOps (TFS/VSTS)
- Familiarity with DevOps
- Installation and configuration of software
- Azure DevOps Services DevOps and Azure Server
- Connect to server on Azure, DevOps
- Creation of the organization, setting permissions and security
- Creation of project, connection to the project
- Work with work items
- Planning iterations
- Work with Git and TFVC repository
- Work with DevOps Azure from Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code
- Set up the server builds and automatic deployment of web applications
Expected learning outcomes
The results of the study of module student must:
- To understand the principles of version control systems Git and TFVC
- To be able to make and undo changes in Git and TFVC in compliance with the rules of registration changes
- To be able to work with branches in Git and TFVC
- To be able to work in team projects on GitHub and Azure DevOps
- To understand the principles of implementation of CodeReview, to be able to perform corrections on the results of the CodeReview
- To be able to plan the iteration on GitHub and Azure DevOps
- To be able to configure the server builds and automatic deployment of applications on GitHub to Azure and DevOps
- To be able to use GitHub Pages to publish web sites