The contents of the module
- Architecture of web applications, client-server
- Protocol stack TCP/IP
- Client and server technology
- Architecture of the MPA and SPA
- Web services, RESTful services
- Development tools and debugging
Expected learning outcomes
The results of the study of module student must:
- To understand the architecture of web applications and how they work
- Understand the purpose and ways of organizing the infrastructure of a web project
- To understand the principle of interaction between client and server based on HTTP Protocol, know the format of HTTP requests and HTTP responses
- To understand the principle of operation of web servers and methods of forming the content sent to the client
- Know the basic technologies used on the client
- Know the varieties of modern web applications
- To understand the differences between multipage and single-page web applications (SPA and MPA)
- To understand the principle of organizing a web application based on REST API
- To be able to use tools for testing and debugging communication between web client and web server: the Chrome Developer Tools, Postman, Fiddler
- To have an idea about organizing applications on the basis of microservices architecture