In screencast examines the basic principles of functioning of the monitoring system of versions of Git and Git Flow concept (Eugene Haberi, Flexberry PLATFORM).
Series of screencasts on the version control system Git (Ilya Kantor .
In the lesson on a practical example I consider a concept of Git Flow (Monster Lessons).
the lesson covers the command line tools for working with Git Flow (Monster Lessons).
a Lesson on the basics of working with GitHub: sign up, create a repository connection the local and remote repository collaboration repository (ITDoctor).
the lesson covers the basic operations with GitHub repository: cloning, editing files in the remote repository (ITDoctor).
the lesson on the basic opportunities to work with Git from Visual Studio editor Code (ITDoctor).
a Lesson on Visual Studio Code for working with Git repositories and GitHub (ITDoctor).
a fragment of a lesson about working with Git and GitHub, dedicated to the GitHub Desktop app (Artem Islamov, Glo Academy).
Series of screencasts devoted to the study of the process of team work on GitHub, including the open Source projects (Eugene Haberi, Flexberry PLATFORM).
In screencast considering the possibility of publishing websites to GitHub Pages (ITDoctor).
In screencast is considered a tool storage and re-use of code - GitHub Gist (ITDoctor).
the Lesson is devoted to a review of practices and tools, DevOps (Anton Boyko, ITVDN).
Series of screencasts devoted to the study of the process of teamwork in the Azure DevOps (Eugene Haberi, Flexberry PLATFORM).