
In this step, you will be presented with a list of required software obespecheniya for mobile app development on the platform of Apache Cordova.

Basic software:


For developing mobile applications for the Android platform requires the following software:

After the software installation is necessary to make the setting up of variables sredy.

Develop mobile applications for Android can be running any operating system.


Developing mobile apps for iOS runs only in OS X operating system on Intel-based computers Xcode® 7.0 (minimum required version) runs only on OS X version 10.10.4 (Yosemite) or higher, and includes the iOS 9 SDK (Software Development Kit).

Required software:

  • Xcode. After installing Xcode to run Cordova, you need to enable a few command line tools. At the command prompt, run the command: xcode-select --install.
  • Tool ios-deploy allows you to run iOS app on device from the command line.

The result of this step was made to install and configure the necessary software to create a mobile app using the Apache Cordova platform. Next will be described the process of creating a Cordova app.

You can