Description of the development process and open repositories code Flexberry Service Bus.


Development Flexberry Service Bus is on GitHub open repositories as the team of platform Flexberry and with the support of enthusiasts from the community.

Service bus

The address of the repository on GitHub: The repository the main components of the service Flexberry Service Bus, the solution contains:

  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.sln - a solution that includes the following projects:
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus project implementation components.
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.Objects project objectone model.
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.Components project with the interfaces of the components.
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.ClientTools project with public interfaces.
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.ConsoleHost - project console application.
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.WinServiceHost project with the application as a service.
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.Tests project with unit tests.
  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.IntegratedTests project with integration tests.

In the same repository are nuspec files, which are used to create NuGet packages, tires, used in administrative application.

SQL scripts to create the database service bus are also located in this repository: Service Bus/SQL.

Configuration files and scripts used to create Docker images flexberry-service-bus and flexberry-service-bus-postgres-db are in the file Docker the same repository.

Administrative application

OData backend administrative application bus

The address of the repository on GitHub:

  • NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.Editor - ASP.NET application for access to objects Flexberry Service Bus standard OData.

Configuration files and scripts used to create the Docker image flexberry-service-bus-editor are in the file Docker the same repository.

ember-addon administrative application bus

The address of the repository on GitHub: Ember-addon contains the implementation of the main control Flexberry Service Bus. Designed for integration interface management bus in a target application created on the platform Flexberry.

ember-application administrative application bus

The address of the repository on GitHub: Management application Flexberry Service Bus implemented with using the addon ember-flexberry-service-bus. The backend-part is used ASP.NET app NewPlatform.Flexberry.ServiceBus.Editor. Packaged in the Docker image flexberry-service-bus-editor with OData backend.

Examples of adapters

The address of the repository on GitHub: The repository contains a sample implementation of different versions of adapters for the tires.

development Process

The development process based on gitflow.

Issues and Pull requests

Discovered problems in the bus are recorded in Issues repository. Welcome to repair problems sent in Pull request (PR) in the branch develop. Requests for major changes in Flexberry Service Bus should be in RFC-repository platform.

Testing platform components

Projects on the C# contain tests:

  • Autonomous unit-tests run on Travis-CI for each commit and PR.
  • Integration unit tests - require for execution access to multiple DBMS and executed by the developers, as well as on the server, preparing NuGet packages.

Projects in EmberJS contain tests running on Travis-CI for each commit and PR.

Automatic build Docker images

  1. The Docker image flexberry-service-bus-postgres-db To run an automated build, you must create a git tag in the project Examples of tag names: 1.0.0-alpha01-postgresql-db or 1.0.0-postgresql-db. This will create 2 docker tag referencing the same image. First name 1.0.0-alpha01 or 1.0.0 . Second name latest.

  2. The Docker image flexberry-service-bus To run an automated build, you must create a git tag in the project Examples of tag names: 1.0.0-alpha01-service or 1.0.0-service. This will create 2 docker tag referencing the same image. First name 1.0.0-alpha01 or 1.0.0 . Second name latest.

  3. The Docker image flexberry-service-bus-editor To run an automated build, you need to perform 2 steps, the sequence of steps is important. 3.1 In the ember project instituted a special branch docker-release, which builds front-end for docker image, so I need to smiriti changes in branch docker-release so they got into the docker image. 3.2 Create a git tag in the project Examples of tag names: 1.0.0-alpha01-bus-editor or 1.0.0-bus-editor. This will create 2 docker tag referencing the same image. First name 1.0.0-alpha01 or 1.0.0 . Second name latest.

code Style

When developing Flexberry Service Bus it is common for the platform Flexberry approach to the design code to adhere to PR was successfully taken.