This section describes errors related to incorrect input from the user, it will tell the [EditFormValidation “data Validation”)

If the user makes a mistake or the program performs an illegal action and an unplanned error, the program behavior must not cause the user confusion. The program does not have to crash to stop their work.

Technology offers the possibility of catching errors and outputting them on a special form.

There is also a possibility of logging of errors that occurred during execution of the program.

Scenario refinement

  • Switch on / off the reference Application of the system.Processing of exceptional situation-in-KAS-GROOVED-with-using-log4net error log)
  • Customize the form error ([WebErrorBox-and-ErrorForm Web), [ErrorBox Win))
  • Customize catching exceptions ([ErrorBox.ashx#Обработка_неотловленных_исключений_в_прикладных_системах_4 more))