(((This article applies to new audit)))

API and IAuditService

API audit is contained in the class IAuditService and is intended for fixation of own operations audit.

The implementation is in the class AuditServce.


Method WriteCommonAuditOperation SQLDataService‘ω is used to record standard operations audit (create, modify, delete).

Not recommended to call this method yourself.

A description of the method:

 Guid? WriteCommonAuditOperation(
                        DataObject operationedObject,
                        IDataService dataService,
                        bool throwExceptions); ``` 
* `operationedObject` - the Object on which the operation is performed. 
* `dataService` data Service performing the operation. 
* `throwException` - Should push occurred during operation exception. If you set `false` and an error occurs, the method will return `null` 
* returns `Guid?` - returns `Guid` created audit records, `null` when an error occurs and set throwExceptions = false 

The method automatically calculates the status of a transaction (create, delete, or change), based on the status of the object (dataObject.GetStatus()). 

## WriteCustomAuditOperation 

Method `WriteCustomAuditOperation` designed to hold its own operations audit. 

A description of the method: 

Guid? WriteCustomAuditOperation( CustomAuditParameters customAuditParameters, string dataServiceConnectionString, Type dataServiceType, bool throwExceptions);

* `customAuditParameters` - audit settings (see below) 
* `dataServiceConnectionString` the connection string of the data service 
* `dataServiceType` - type data service 
* `throwException` - Should push occurred during operation exception. If you set `false` and an error occurs, the method will return `null` 
* returns `Guid?` - returns `Guid` created audit records, `null` when an error occurs and set throwExceptions = false 

### CustomAuditParameters 
Class containing the description of the audit settings for its own operations. 

Contains the following fields: 

* tTypeOfAuditOperation `CommonAuditOperation` - sets the operation type field `CustomAuditOperation` on the basis of existing types of operations (Create, modify, delete, read, execute). For added ease of use. 

* string `CustomAuditOperation` - type operations displayed in list form audit. 

* DataObject `AuditDataObject` - audited object. The object itself is not saved, is saved only by his `primaryKey`. Automatically oznachaet property `AuditObjectType`. 

* PstrfAuditObjectType` Type - type of the audited object. Indicated automatically when you install `AuditDataObject`. 

* object `AuditObjectPrimaryKey` - the primaryKey of the audited object. Indicated automatically when you install `AuditDataObject`. 

* string `AuditObjectTypeOrDescription` - Type (`AssemblyQualifiedName`) or description of the object that is being audited. Job `AuditDataObject` or `AuditObjectType` automatically mean that field. 

* DateTime `OperationTime` - time operation. If time is not set, set `DateTime.Now` ("__note__: in this case, when an asynchronous write of the real and the recorded dates will vary. It is recommended to oznacovat this field for themselves"). 

* tExecutionVariant `ExecutionResult` - the result of the operation (Not known, Not done, Done, Error). 

* CustomAuditFieldList `CustomAuditFieldList` - a list of change objects which should be recorded in the audit. 

* `UseDefaultWriteMode` bool - whether to use write mode by default. 

* tWriteMode `WriteMode` - write mode audit (synchronous or asynchronous). When installed `UseDefaultWriteMode` = true; this field is ignored. 

## RatifyAuditOperation 
PstrfRatifyAuditOperation` method is used to confirm the previously recorded audit operations. In fact, he's cheating on her `ExcecutionResult`. 

For example, if a developer wants to audit all pressing specific buttons, the first thing in the handler pressing is written the Directive to create a record in the audit (using the method `WriteCustomAuditOperation`) with the result of ExecutionResult = tExecutionVariant.Unknown; After performing all the operations necessary to change the status audit records (by calling the method `RatifyAuditOperation`) on true: if the process finished successfully, install ExecutionResult = tExecutionVariant.Executed, etc. 

bool RatifyAuditOperation( tExecutionVariant executionVariant, List auditOperationIdList, string dataServiceConnectionString, Type dataServiceType, bool throwExceptions); ```

  • executionVariant - operation status that you want to install.
  • auditOperationIdList - the list of IDs of records audit for which you want to change the status
  • dataServiceConnectionString the connection string of the data service
  • dataServiceType - type data service
  • throwException - Should push occurred during operation exception. If you set false and an error occurs, the method will return null
  • returns bool - the result of the operation (True if successful).