In the framework of the practical part of the course you will have developed end-to-end example: application «Finding». The first part of the practical exercises will be devoted to the development of basic technologies, such as C#, databases, client technology, etc., the second part will include a study of the possibilities of the platform Flexberry to efficiently create applications.
General description of the subject area
Users of this application can log messages about missing or found things or animals. The app allows you to compare information about actual missing and found things or animals and suggest any appropriate information. Specifications:
- The application is implemented as a ASP.NET WebForms application.
- Data is stored in the database MSSQL Server.
Practical task no 1 - server development (C#, .NET ASP.NET)
Will be required for implementation:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- Git for Windows
Job. Part 1.
You want to implement an efficient algorithm for matching two messages. The input is 2 message: about the disappearance and discovery, each of which is an array of strings, each string represents one of the following values (in this order):
- The message type (
) - Title
- Address
- Date
- Type
- Color
- Size
- Breed
- Description
Any of these fields may be absent, some of the fields may not be in its place. The algorithm must output how many % the two specified profile correspond to each other. The implementation should be done .net-libraries and to prepare unit tests for it, to show the percentage of code coverage from unit tests (the more the better).
Job. Part 2.
Implement a simple ASP.NET WebForms-application (at this stage, no database), which contains the components (. ascx controls), realizowa:
- The logic of matching two messages using the library from the 1st part of the assignment (the field for entering values 1 and 2 messages, the button, the unit displays the result).
- Block reference information about the correct input message (text box with no editing capabilities).
Providing performance verification
The implemented solution (Visual Studio Solution) to put it all in a repository on GitHub (the solution must compile and run). A link to the repository to provide the teachers of the course.
Practical exercise No. 2 - Client-side development (HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery)
Will be required for implementation:
- Code editor for client development: Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, etc.
- Git for Windows
With use of opportunities HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery mark up a form that will display two lists of messages in the form of “dice”, divided in appropriate categories. Each plate should contain all available information about the message, but the information should appear in a popup on click block. The form also needs to be a block with information about the shared messages.
to deliver results
Implemented project to place in a repository on GitHub in the form of embedded pages GitHub Pages that allows you to view the finished result. A link to the published repository and thus the project to provide teachers of the course.
Practical exercise No. 3 - the Database
Will be required for implementation:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Git for Windows
For the specified subject area to implement the database, fill the database with scripts (at least 5 records per table). Implement scripts to create constraints, indexes. To attach the scripts to create the database and populate, Bacup database. Prepare SQL scripts to obtain the following information:
- Output the top N list of users who made the greatest number of reports of missing.
- List the things or animals that often are lost and found and the number of loss-finds.
- Withdraw the rating of the types that are most often lost.
- Derive the mean detection time of the loss (consider the cases of lost-found).
- Display information about the 5 missing, who were looking for the longest.
to deliver results
Implemented scripts commit in the GitHub repository. A link to the repository to provide the teachers of the course.
Practical assignment # 4 - Designing the IP
Will be required for implementation:
- Flexberry Designer
Draw a UML diagram for the designated subject area. The composition of the diagrams is determined by the trainees, but should provide a full description of the subject area.
to deliver results
The result is uploaded in the format of a CRP stage of Flexberry Designer. Stage (a file with the extension *.CRP) should commit to the repository on GitHub, the link to provide the teachers of the course.
the Practical task №5 - Object design and generation applications
Will be required for implementation:
- Flexberry Designer
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Git for Windows
Execute object design and generation of ASP.NET applications for the described subject area. As a basis to use the previously implemented the UML model. Generation of the application and the database must be executed by means Flexberry Designer, the application must meet the requirements and be fully functional. Submission must be high quality customized signatures to classes and attributes on the forms should be adequate. The list of forms and attribute composition must correspond to the subject area and cover all of the required business function.
to deliver results
The generated application and the scripts to create the database should be put in a repository on GitHub. To provide teachers with a reference to the repository.
Practical task №6 - Development of business logic applications
Will be required for implementation:
- Flexberry Designer
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Git for Windows
In generated using Flexberry Designer application you want to implement:
- The page which would be printed results of the same 5 statistical queries implemented using SQL in the task 3, only this time the queries need not be implemented in the SQL language, and using Flexberry ORM tools LINQ provider and LoadingCustomizationStruct.
- The business logic of the application using Flexberry ORM and business servers.
- Implement a business server, which will translate the message out as (but not delete the record from DB), if the user wishes to remove it.
- Implement a business server that will be used .net library for suggestions of suitable previously published messages.
- Implement a business server, which will verify that the date of the message is defined not from the future.
- Add a stored field in the user class, which will record the number of regular messages. Recalculation of this field to implement the business server.
- Add Nechranice field in the message class, which will be a string containing a summary information about the subject of the search or finds.
to deliver results
Modified business logic should be included in the development application and sakimichan in the appropriate repository. Link to the repository is available for inspection by the course instructors.
Practical task №7 - Development of the UI application logic
Will be required for implementation:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Code editor for client development: Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, etc.
- Git for Windows
Tie the previously implemented ascx-components of assignments # 1 and # 2 to the data from the database. To place these components on the application forms. To implement additional logic in the form of a message that includes the block of reference data (the control from the job No. 1), the unit of the solutions proposed by the system based on the stored messages. You want to configure a beautiful look for all forms of application. To improve the visual design theme. Implement shortcuts on the desktop application for quick access to frequently used functions. Implement additional forms, which will display the results of a query of the jobs database.
to deliver results
Modified UI logic should be included in the development application and sakimichan in the appropriate repository. Link to the repository is available for inspection by the course instructors.
Practical exercise No. 8 - the Functional subsystem Flexberry
Will be required for implementation:
- Flexberry Designer
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Git for Windows
The implemented application to configure the subsystem powers. Users must register themselves. Authorization form-based. To create a hierarchy of roles, add transactions to view certain data and to give rights only to certain roles. To configure the roles and assign these roles to users. To configure the auditing subsystem. In the developed application, all changes to data objects must be recorded in the audit. In the navigation menu, you should add forms of audit that should only be shown to administrators.
to deliver results
The revised application must be seamicro in the appropriate repository. Additionally, the repository must be added to the SQL scripts that need to perform to run an application with a subsystem of powers and audit. Link to the repository is available for inspection by the course instructors.