Console privilege management (Security Console)

Management console powers are given the right to classes and operations.

The management console powers collected under 3.5 .NET Framework.

The basic nuances of working with the management console powers:

  • PstrfFull it represents a permission (Full control) means that for a query on any of the queries on this object (Update, Read, etc.) will return a positive answer, i.e. the law is. Remember that permissions except Full` are independent, i.e., the permission update does not automatically give read permissions on the object (such a division actually can be used, for example, the business server when the object is updated, but the user reads).
  • The name may not contain the character _ (underscore) as the character to use as separator in the system and will lead to errors in the future.
  • In the version after 18.07.2014 in win-console added the following logic: if the user selects permission Full, check the other permissions (Update, Read, etc.) are cleaned and locked (they cannot be put until exposed Full it represents a permission). The old permissions when you open a new console to change on their own will.

See also