import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import $ from 'jquery';
import Service from '@ember/service';
import { debug } from '@ember/debug';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import { isNone } from '@ember/utils';
import { get } from '@ember/object';
import { isArray } from '@ember/array';
import Builder from '../query/builder';
import { SimplePredicate } from '../query/predicate';
import { reloadLocalRecords, createLocalRecord } from '../utils/reload-local-records';
import isModelInstance from '../utils/is-model-instance';
import Queue from '../utils/queue';
import { camelize, capitalize } from '../utils/string-functions';

  @class Syncer
  @extends Ember.Object
export default Service.extend({
  /* Queue of promises for syncDown */
  _syncDownQueue: Queue.create(),

  /* Array of records to be unloaded after syncing down */
  _recordsToUnload: null,

    Store that use for making requests in offline mode.
    By default it is set to global instane of {{#crossLink "LocalStore"}}{{/crossLink}} class.

    @property offlineStore
    @type <a href="">DS.Store</a>
  offlineStore: undefined,

    Number of "main" records (include related records for relationships) that should be accumulated before bulk operation will be performed.

    @property numberOfRecordsForPerformingBulkOperations
    @type Number
    @default 10
  numberOfRecordsForPerformingBulkOperations: 10,

    Allows to enable or disable continuation of syncing down if error occurs.

    @property queueContinueOnError
    @type Boolean
    @default true
  queueContinueOnError: true,

  auditEnabled: true,

   * Initialize offline store.
   * @method init
   * @private
  init: function () {
    let _this = this;

    let localStore = getOwner(this).lookup('store:local');

    _this.set('offlineStore', localStore);
    _this.get('_syncDownQueue').set('continueOnError', _this.get('queueContinueOnError'));
    _this.set('_recordsToUnload', []);

   * Save specified records into local store (IndexedDB).
   * @method syncDown
   * @public
   * @param {String|DS.Model|Array} descriptor typeName, record, records.
   * @param {Boolean} [reload] If set to true then syncer perform remote reload for data, otherwise data will get from the store.
   * @param {String} [projectionName] Name of projection for remote reload of data. If not set then all properties of record, except navigation properties, will be read.
   * @param {Object} [params] Additional parameters for syncing down.
   * @param {Query.QueryObject} [params.queryObject] QueryObject instance to make query if descriptor is a typeName.
   * @param {Boolean} [params.unloadSyncedRecords] If set to true then synced records will be unloaded from online store.
   * @return {Promise}
  syncDown: function (descriptor, reload, projectionName, params) {
    let _this = this;

    _this.set('_recordsToUnload', []);

    let bulkUpdateOrCreateCall = (record, resolve, reject) => {
      let localStore = _this.get('offlineStore');
      let modelName = record.constructor.modelName;
      let localAdapter = localStore.adapterFor(modelName);
      return localAdapter.bulkUpdateOrCreate(localStore, true, false).then(() => {
      }, reject);

    if (typeof descriptor === 'string') {
      return, descriptor, reload, projectionName, params);

    } else if (isModelInstance(descriptor)) {
      let store = getOwner(this).lookup('service:store');
      return _this._syncDownQueue.attach((resolve, reject) => _this._syncDownRecord(store, descriptor, reload, projectionName, params).then(() =>
        bulkUpdateOrCreateCall(descriptor, resolve, reject), reject).then(() => _this._unloadRecordsAfterSyncDown(store, params)));
    } else if (isArray(descriptor)) {
      let store = getOwner(this).lookup('service:store');
      let recordsCount = descriptor.get ? descriptor.get('length') : descriptor.length;
      let accumulatedRecordsCount = 0;
      let updatedRecords = (record) {
        return _this._syncDownQueue.attach((resolve, reject) => _this._syncDownRecord(store, record, reload, projectionName, params).then(() => {
          if ((accumulatedRecordsCount % _this.numberOfRecordsForPerformingBulkOperations === 0) || accumulatedRecordsCount === recordsCount) {
            return bulkUpdateOrCreateCall(record, resolve, reject);
          } else {
        }, reject));
      return RSVP.all(updatedRecords).then(() => _this._unloadRecordsAfterSyncDown(store, params));

    } else {
      throw new Error('Input for sync down can only be a string, a DS.Model or an array of DS.Model, but is ' + descriptor);

   * Remove all records in local store.
   * @method
   * @public
  reset: function () {
    return this.get('offlineStore.adapter').clear();

   * Saves data to local store.
   * @method _syncDownRecord
   * @param {DS.Store or Subclass} store Store of application.
   * @param {DS.Model} record Record to save in local store.
   * @param {Boolean} [reload] If set to true then syncer perform remote reload for data, otherwise data will get from the store.
   * @param {String} [projectionName] Name of projection for remote reload of data. If not set then all properties of record, except navigation properties, will be read.
   * @param {Object} [params] Additional parameters for syncing down.
   * @param {Query.QueryObject} [params.queryObject] QueryObject instance to make query if descriptor is a typeName.
   * @param {Boolean} [params.unloadSyncedRecords] If set to true then synced records will be unloaded from online store.
   * @private
  _syncDownRecord: function (store, record, reload, projectionName, params) {
    let _this = this;

    function saveRecordToLocalStore(store, record, projectionName) {
      let modelName = record.constructor.modelName;
      let modelType = store.modelFor(modelName);
      let projection = isNone(projectionName) ? null : modelType.projections[projectionName];
      let localStore = this.get('offlineStore');
      let localAdapter = localStore.adapterFor(modelName);

      if (record.get('isDeleted')) {
        let snapshot = record._createSnapshot();
        return localAdapter.deleteRecord(localStore, snapshot.type, snapshot).then(() => {
          let dexieService = getOwner(_this).lookup('service:dexie');
          dexieService.set('queueSyncDownWorksCount', dexieService.get('queueSyncDownWorksCount') - 1);
          return record;
        }).catch((reason) => {
          return RSVP.reject(reason);
      } else {
        return, store, localAdapter, localStore, modelType, record, projection, params);

    if (reload) {
      let modelName = record.constructor.modelName;
      let options = {
        reload: true,
        useOnlineStore: true
      options = isNone(projectionName) ? options : $.extend(true, options, { projection: projectionName });
      return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        store.findRecord(modelName,, options).then(function (reloadedRecord) {

          // TODO: Uncomment this after fix bug with load unloaded models.
          // store.get('onlineStore').unloadRecord(reloadedRecord);
, store, reloadedRecord, projectionName).then(() => {
          }, reject);
    } else {
      return, store, record, projectionName);

    Start sync up process.

    @method syncUp
    @param {Ember.Array} [jobs] Array instances of `auditEntity` model for sync up.
    @param {Object} [options] Object with options for sync up.
    @param {Boolean} [options.continueOnError] If `true` continue sync up if an error occurred.
    @param {Boolean} [options.useBatchUpdate] Do sync up through batch update or not.
    @return {Promise}
  syncUp(jobs, options) {
    let builder;
    let predicate;
    let store = getOwner(this).lookup('service:store');
    let dexieService = getOwner(this).lookup('service:dexie');
    let modelName = 'i-c-s-soft-s-t-o-r-m-n-e-t-business-audit-objects-audit-entity';
    if (jobs) {
      return RSVP.resolve(jobs);
    } else {
      predicate = new SimplePredicate('executionResult', 'eq', 'Unexecuted')
        .or(new SimplePredicate('executionResult', 'eq', 'Failed'));
      builder = new Builder(store.get('offlineStore'), modelName)

      return this.get('offlineStore').query(modelName, => {
        if (jobs.get('length') === 0) {
          return RSVP.resolve();

        dexieService.set('queueSyncUpTotalWorksCount', jobs.get('length'));
        return options && options.useBatchUpdate ?
          this._runJobsThroughBatch(store, jobs) :
          this._runJobs(store, jobs.toArray(), options && options.continueOnError);

    This method is called when a sync process if at attempt create, update or delete record, server error return.
    Default behavior: Marked `job` as 'Ошибка', execute further when called `syncUp` method.

      // app/services/syncer.js
      import Syncer from 'ember-flexberry-data/services/syncer';

      export default Syncer.extend({
        resolveServerError(job, error) {
          let _this = this;
          return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // Here `error.status` as example, as if user not authorized on server.
            if (error.status === 401) {
              // As if `auth` function authorize user.
              auth().then(() => {
                _this.syncUp(A([job])).then(() => {
                  job.set('executionResult', 'Выполнено');
                }, reject);
              }, reject);
            } else {
              job.set('executionResult', 'Ошибка');


    @method resolveServerError
    @param {subclass of DS.Model} job Instance of `auditEntity` model when restore which error occurred.
    @param {Object} error
    @return {Promise} Promise that resolves updated job.
  resolveServerError(job, error) {
    debug(`Error sync up:'${job.get('operationType')}' - '${job.get('')}:${job.get('objectPrimaryKey')}'.`, error);
    job.set('executionResult', 'Ошибка');

    This method is called when a sync process not found record on server for delete or update.
    Default behavior: Marked `job` as 'Не выполнено', not delete and not execute further when called `syncUp` method.

      // app/services/syncer.js
      import Syncer from 'ember-flexberry-data/services/syncer';

      export default Syncer.extend({
        resolveNotFoundRecord(job) {
          if (job.get('operationType') === 'UPDATE') {
            // It will be executed when next called `syncUp` method.
            job.set('executionResult', 'Ошибка');
          } else if (job.get('operationType') === 'DELETE') {
            // It will be immediately delete and not never executed.
            job.set('executionResult', 'Выполнено');



    @method resolveNotFoundRecord
    @param {subclass of DS.Model} job Instance of `auditEntity` model when restore which error occurred.
    @return {Promise} Promise that resolves updated job.
  resolveNotFoundRecord(job) {
    job.set('executionResult', 'Не выполнено');

  createJob(record) {
    return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this._createAuditEntity(record).then((auditEntity) => {
        this._createAuditFields(auditEntity, record).then(resolve, reject);

   * Return name of projection to sync up by model name.
   * @method getSyncUpProjectionName
   * @param {String} modelName Name of model to get sync up projection name.
   * @returns Name of projection to sync up.
  getSyncUpProjectionName(store, modelName) {
    const modelClass = store.modelFor(modelName);

    let projectionName = modelName.indexOf('-') > -1 ? modelName.substring(modelName.indexOf('-') + 1) : modelName;
    projectionName = capitalize(camelize(projectionName)) + 'E';

    if (modelClass.projections && modelClass.projections.get(projectionName)) {
      return projectionName;

    return null;

  _runJobs(store, jobs, continueOnError, jobCount) {
    let _this = this;
    let dexieService = getOwner(_this).lookup('service:dexie');
    dexieService.set('queueSyncUpWorksCount', jobs.get('length'));
    let job = jobs.shiftObject();
    let executedJob = jobCount || 0;
    return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (job) {
        _this._runJob(store, job).then((job) => {
          _this._endJob(job).then(() => {
            resolve(_this._runJobs(store, jobs, continueOnError, ++executedJob));
          }).catch((reason) => {
            if (continueOnError) {
              resolve(_this._runJobs(store, jobs, continueOnError, executedJob));
            } else {
        }, reject);
      } else {
        dexieService.set('queueSyncUpWorksCount', 0);

   * Starts syncing up through batch.
   * @param {DS.Store} store
   * @param {Array} jobs
  _runJobsThroughBatch(store, jobs) {
    let recordsToSyncUp = [];
    let dexieService = getOwner(this).lookup('service:dexie');
    dexieService.set('queueSyncUpWorksCount', jobs.get('length'));

    return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      jobs.forEach(job => {
        switch (job.get('operationType')) {
          case 'INSERT':
            recordsToSyncUp.push(this._getRecordToCreate(store, job));
          case 'UPDATE':
            recordsToSyncUp.push(this._getRecordToUpdate(store, job));
          case 'DELETE':
            recordsToSyncUp.push(this._getRecordToRemove(store, job));
            throw new Error('Unsupported operation type.');

      return RSVP.Promise.all(recordsToSyncUp).then(records => {
        return store.batchUpdate(records).then(() => {
          jobs.forEach(job => {
            RSVP.all(job.get('auditFields').map(field => field.destroyRecord())).then(() => {
            }, reject);
        }).catch(error => {

  _endJob(job) {
    let dexieService = getOwner(this).lookup('service:dexie');
    return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (job.get('executionResult') === 'Выполнено') {
        RSVP.all(job.get('auditFields').map(field => field.destroyRecord())).then(() => {
          dexieService.set('queueSyncUpCurrentModelName', null);
        }, reject);
      } else {

  _runJob(store, job) {
    let dexieService = getOwner(this).lookup('service:dexie');
    dexieService.set('queueSyncUpCurrentModelName', job.get(''));

    switch (job.get('operationType')) {
      case 'INSERT': return this._runCreatingJob(store, job);
      case 'UPDATE': return this._runUpdatingJob(store, job);
      case 'DELETE': return this._runRemovingJob(store, job);
      default: throw new Error('Unsupported operation type.');

   * Returns record to create for syncing up.
   * @param {DS.Store} store Store.
   * @param {DS.Model} job Job for sync up.
  _getRecordToCreate(store, job) {
    let record = store.peekRecord(job.get(''), job.get('objectPrimaryKey')) ||
      store.createRecord(job.get(''), { id: job.get('objectPrimaryKey') });

    record.set('isSyncingUp', true);
    record.set('isCreatedDuringSyncUp', true);

    return this._changesForRecord(store, job).then((changes) => {
      return record;

  _runCreatingJob(store, job) {
    return this._getRecordToCreate(store, job).then(record => {
      return => {
        job.set('executionResult', 'Выполнено');
      }).catch(reason => this.resolveServerError(job, reason)).finally(() => {
        if (record) {
          record.set('isSyncingUp', false);

   * Returns record to update for syncing up.
   * @param {DS.Store} store Store.
   * @param {DS.Model} job Job for sync up.
  _getRecordToUpdate(store, job) {
    let query = this._createQuery(store, job);
    return store.queryRecord(query.modelName, query).then((record) => {
      if (record) {
        record.set('isSyncingUp', true);
        return this._changesForRecord(store, job).then((changes) => {
          return record;
      } else {
        return this.resolveNotFoundRecord(job);

  _runUpdatingJob(store, job) {
    return this._getRecordToUpdate(store, job).then(record => {
      return => {
        record.set('isUpdatedDuringSyncUp', true);
        job.set('executionResult', 'Выполнено');
      }).catch(reason => this.resolveServerError(job, reason)).finally(() => {
        if (record) {
          record.set('isSyncingUp', false);

   * Returns record to remove for syncing up.
   * @param {DS.Store} store Store.
   * @param {DS.Model} job Job for sync up.
  _getRecordToRemove(store, job) {
    let query = this._createQuery(store, job);
    return store.queryRecord(query.modelName, query).then(record => {
      if (record) {
        record.set('isSyncingUp', true);
        return record;
      } else {
        return this.resolveNotFoundRecord(job);

  _runRemovingJob(store, job) {
    return this._getRecordToRemove(store, job).then(record => {
      return record.destroyRecord().then(() => {
        record.set('isDestroyedDuringSyncUp', true);
        job.set('executionResult', 'Выполнено');
      }).catch(reason => this.resolveServerError(job, reason)).finally(() => {
        if (record) {
          record.set('isSyncingUp', false);

  _createAuditEntity(record) {
    let _this = this;
    return _this._auditDataFromRecord(record).then(
      auditData => _this.get('auditEnabled') ? _this._newAuditEntity(auditData) : _this._updateAuditEntity(auditData)

  _newAuditEntity(auditData) {
    return this.get('offlineStore').createRecord('i-c-s-soft-s-t-o-r-m-n-e-t-business-audit-objects-audit-entity', auditData).save();

  _updateAuditEntity(auditData) {
    let _this = this;
    return _this.get('offlineStore').query('i-c-s-soft-s-t-o-r-m-n-e-t-business-audit-objects-audit-entity', {
      objectPrimaryKey: auditData.objectPrimaryKey,
    }).then((auditEntities) => {
      if (auditEntities.get('length')) {
        let auditEntity = auditEntities.get('firstObject');
        return RSVP.all(auditEntity.get('auditFields').map(field => field.destroyRecord())).then(() => {
          if (auditData.operationType === 'DELETE' && auditEntity.get('operationType') === 'INSERT') {
            return auditEntity.destroyRecord();
          } else {
            if (auditEntity.get('operationType') === 'INSERT') {
              delete auditData.operationType;

      } else {
        return _this._newAuditEntity(auditData);

  _createAuditFields(auditEntity, record) {
    let promises = [];
    if (auditEntity.get('operationType') !== 'DELETE') {
      let changes = this._changesFromRecord(record);
      for (let change in changes) {
        promises.push(this._createAuditField(auditEntity, change, changes[change]));

    return RSVP.all(promises).then((fields) => {
      auditEntity.set('auditFields', fields);

  _createAuditField(auditEntity, attributeName, attributeData) {
    let _this = this;
    return _this.get('offlineStore').createRecord('i-c-s-soft-s-t-o-r-m-n-e-t-business-audit-objects-audit-field', {
      field: attributeName,
      oldValue: attributeData[0],
      newValue: attributeData[1],
      auditEntity: auditEntity,

  _auditDataFromRecord(record) {
    let _this = this;
    let userService = getOwner(_this).lookup('service:user');
    let operationType = _this._getOperationType(record.get('dirtyType'));
    return userService.getCurrentUser().then(currentUser => _this._getObjectType(record._createSnapshot().modelName).then(objectType => ({
      objectPrimaryKey: record.get('id'),
      operationTime: new Date(),
      operationType: operationType,
      executionResult: 'Не выполнено',
      createTime: record.get('createTime'),
      creator: record.get('creator'),
      editTime: record.get('editTime'),
      editor: record.get('editor'),
      user: currentUser,
      objectType: objectType,

  _getObjectType(objectTypeName) {
    let _this = this;
    return _this.get('offlineStore').query('i-c-s-soft-s-t-o-r-m-n-e-t-business-audit-objects-object-type', {
      name: objectTypeName,
    }).then((objectTypes) => {
      if (objectTypes.get('length')) {
        return new RSVP.resolve(objectTypes.get('firstObject'));
      } else {
        return _this.get('offlineStore').createRecord('i-c-s-soft-s-t-o-r-m-n-e-t-business-audit-objects-object-type', {
          name: objectTypeName,

  _getOperationType(dirtyType) {
    switch (dirtyType) {
      case 'created': return 'INSERT';
      case 'updated': return 'UPDATE';
      case 'deleted': return 'DELETE';
      default: throw new Error('Unknown dirty type.');

  _changesForRecord(store, job) {
    let _this = this;
    return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      let changes = {};
      let promises = [];
      let attributes = get(store.modelFor(job.get('')), 'attributes');
      job.get('auditFields').forEach((auditField) => {
        const [field, type] = auditField.get('field').split('@');

        if (type) {
          let relationship = null;
          if (auditField.get('newValue')) {
            relationship = store.peekRecord(type, auditField.get('newValue')) ||
              store.createExistingRecord(type, auditField.get('newValue'));

          changes[field] = relationship;
        } else {
          let value = auditField.get('newValue');
          switch (attributes.get(field).type) {
            case 'boolean':
              changes[field] = value === null ? null : _this._getBooleanValue(value);

            case 'number':
              changes[field] = value === null ? null : +value;

            case 'date':
              changes[field] = value === null ? null : new Date(value);

              changes[field] = value;

      RSVP.all(promises).then(() => {
      }, reject);

  _changesFromRecord(record) {
    let changes = {};
    if (this.get('auditEnabled')) {
      let changedAttributes = record.changedAttributes();
      for (let attribute in changedAttributes) {
        changes[attribute] = changedAttributes[attribute];
    } else {
      record.eachAttribute((name) => {
        let value = record.get(name);
        if (value !== undefined) {
          changes[name] = [null, value];

    let changedRelationships = record.changedBelongsTo();
    let snapshot = record._createSnapshot();
    record.eachRelationship((name, descriptor) => {
      let changedRelationship = this.get('auditEnabled') ? changedRelationships[name] : [null, record.get(name)];
      if (changedRelationship && descriptor.kind === 'belongsTo') {
        let relationshipType = descriptor.type;
        if (descriptor.options && descriptor.options.polymorphic) {
          let belongsTo = snapshot.belongsTo(descriptor.key);
          relationshipType = belongsTo.modelName;

        changes[`${name}@${relationshipType}`] = [
          changedRelationship[0] && changedRelationship[0].get('id'),
          changedRelationship[1] && changedRelationship[1].get('id'),

    return changes;

  _createQuery(store, job) {
    const modelName = job.get('');
    const projectionName = this.getSyncUpProjectionName(store, modelName);

    let builder = new Builder(store).from(modelName).byId(job.get('objectPrimaryKey'));
    if (projectionName) {
      builder = builder.selectByProjection(projectionName);

    let query =;
    query.useOnlineStore = true;
    return query;

  _unloadRecordsAfterSyncDown(store, params) {
    let recordsToUnload = this.get('_recordsToUnload');
    if (params && params.unloadSyncedRecords && recordsToUnload.length > 0) {
      for (let i = 0; i < recordsToUnload.length; i++) {
        let record = recordsToUnload[i];
        if (record.get('hasDirtyAttributes')) {

        if (!record.get('isDeleted')) {
          if (store.get('onlineStore')) {
          } else {

      this.set('_recordsToUnload', []);

    return RSVP.resolve();

  _getBooleanValue(value) {
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      return value.toLowerCase() === 'true';

    return !!value;