@module ember-flexberry
import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin';
import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { setRecord } from '../utils/extended-set';
Mixin containing handlers for
{{#crossLink "FlexberryDdauSliderComponent"}}flexberry-ddau-slider component's{{/crossLink}} actions.
@class FlexberryDdauSliderActionsHandlerMixin
@extends <a href="https://www.emberjs.com/api/ember/release/classes/Mixin">Mixin</a>
export default Mixin.create({
actions: {
Handles {{#crossLink "FlexberryDdauSliderComponent/sendingActions.change:method"}}flexberry-ddau-slider component's 'change' action{{/crossLink}}.
It mutates value of property with given name to value of action's event object 'newValue' property.
@method actions.onSliderChange
@param {String} mutablePropertyPath Path to a property, which value must be mutated on action.
@param {Object} e Action's event object.
@param {Object} e.newValue New value for a property, which value must be mutated on action.
@param {Object} e.originalEvent [jQuery event object](http://api.jquery.com/category/events/event-object/)
which describes checkbox input's 'change' event.
change=(action "onSliderChange" "model.opacity")
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import FlexberryDdauSliderActionsHandlerMixin from 'ember-flexberry/mixins/flexberry-ddau-slider-actions-handler';
export default Controller.extend(FlexberryDdauSliderActionsHandlerMixin, {
onSliderChange(...args) {
// User can pass any additional arguments to action handler,
// so original action's event object will be the last one in arguments array.
let mutablePropertyPath = args[0];
let e = args[args.length - 1];
let mutablePropertyPathType = typeOf(mutablePropertyPath);
`Wrong type of \`mutablePropertyPath\` argument: actual type is \`${mutablePropertyPathType}\`, ` +
`but \`string\` is expected`,
mutablePropertyPathType === 'string');
setRecord(this, mutablePropertyPath, e.newValue);