  @module ember-flexberry
import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import { computed, observer } from '@ember/object';
import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils';
import Component from '@ember/component';

  Component for expand / collapse content.

      expandedCaption='Expanded caption'
      collapsedCaption='Collapsed caption'
      Your content.

  @class FlexberryToggler
  @extends <a href="https://emberjs.com/api/ember/release/classes/Component">Component</a>
export default Component.extend({
    Current visibility state.

    @property expanded
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  expanded: false,

    If true - a solid border appears for toggler container. If false - border doesn't appear.

    @property hasBorder
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  hasBorder: false,

    If true - border with a subtle shadow appears for toggler container. If false - shadow doesn't appear.

    @property hasShadow
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  hasShadow: false,

    Common caption in the component header.
    Used when appropriate sate-related caption ({{#crossLink "FlexberryToggler/expandedCaption:property"}}{{/crossLink}}
    or {{#crossLink "FlexberryToggler/collapsedCaption:property"}}{{/crossLink}}) is not specified.

    @property caption
    @type String
    @default ''
  caption: '',

    Caption in the component header for expanded state.
    If it is not specified, {{#crossLink "FlexberryToggler/caption:property"}}{{/crossLink}} will be used.

    @property expandedCaption
    @type String
    @default null
  expandedCaption: null,

    Caption in the component header for collapsed state.
    If it is not specified, {{#crossLink "FlexberryToggler/caption:property"}}{{/crossLink}} will be used.

    @property collapsedCaption
    @type String
    @default null
  collapsedCaption: null,

    Current caption.

    @property currentCaption
    @type String
  currentCaption: computed('caption', 'expandedCaption', 'collapsedCaption', 'expanded', function() {
    let defaultCaption = this.get('caption');
    let caption = this.get('expanded') ? (this.get('expandedCaption') || defaultCaption) : (this.get('collapsedCaption') || defaultCaption);

    return caption;

    Array CSS class names.
    [More info](https://emberjs.com/api/ember/release/classes/Component#property_classNames).

    @property classNames
    @type Array
  classNames: ['flexberry-toggler', 'ui', 'accordion', 'fluid'],

    Array CSS class names bindings.
    [More info](https://guides.emberjs.com/v3.1.0/components/customizing-a-components-element/).

    @property classNameBindings
    @type Array
  classNameBindings: ['hasBorder:has-border', 'hasShadow:has-shadow'],

    CSS clasess for i tag.

    @property iconClass
    @type String
  iconClass: undefined,

    Flag indicates whenever toogler contains resizable OLV.

    @property hasResizableOLV
    @type Boolean
  hasResizableOLV: false,

    Duration in milliseconds of opening animation.
    Set `0` for disabling animation.
    Important: used only on initial render.

    @property duration
    @type Number
    @default 350
  duration: 350,

  Toggler status setting name.

    @property settingName
    @type String
    @default togglerStatus
  settingName: 'togglerStatus',

  expandedChanged: observer('expanded', function() {
    Handles the event, when component has been insterted.
    Attaches event handlers for expanding / collapsing content.
  didInsertElement() {
    let $accordeonDomElement = this.$();

    // Attach semantic-ui open/close callbacks.
      exclusive: false,
      closeNested: false,
      selector: { trigger: '> .title' },
      duration: this.get('duration'),
      onOpen: () => {
        // Change of 'expanded' state may cause asynchronous animation, so we need run function here.
        run(() => {
          this.set('expanded', true);
          if (this.get('hasResizableOLV')) {
            this.$('table.object-list-view').colResizable({ disable: true });
      onClose: () => {
        // Change of 'expanded' state may cause asynchronous animation, so we need run function here.
        run(() => {
          this.set('expanded', false);

    Destroys DOM-related component's properties.
  willDestroyElement() {

    // Destroys Semantic UI accordion.

    Saves toggler status to user service. Only if componentName specified.
  saveStatus() {
    let componentName = this.get('componentName');
    if (!isPresent(componentName)) {

    let userSettings = this.get('userSettingsService');
    let settingName = this.get('settingName');
    let currentStatus = userSettings.getTogglerStatus(componentName, settingName);
    let expanded = this.get('expanded');

    if (expanded !== currentStatus) {
      userSettings.setTogglerStatus(componentName, settingName, expanded);

    Loads toggler status from user service.
  loadStatus() {
    let componentName = this.get('componentName');
    if (!isPresent(componentName)) {

    var userSettings = this.get('userSettingsService');
    let settingName = this.get('settingName');
    var currentStatus = userSettings.getTogglerStatus(componentName, settingName);
    let expanded = this.get('expanded');

    if (currentStatus !== null && expanded !== currentStatus) {
      this.set('expanded', currentStatus);